S2 E7 It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough

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I woke up on a bed in my room at the Salvatore school

I had wires on my body and I was shirtless

Then the door opened and Josie and Lizzie walked in

Hey, do you remember everything, we thought that, your memories would fix this. Josie said

I remember everything, but I still don't feel good, what's going on? I asked

We called mom, and she said that you were born a witch and a werewolf, and that the witch side of you is trying to come out, so your body can't take all the dark magic at once and it's killing you. Lizzie said

So I'm going to die again. I said

No, she is trying to figure out how to save you. Josie said

Where's Hope? I asked

She's downstairs, she doesn't know about what's happening. Unless you want us to tell her. Lizzie said

No, it's fine, don't tell her. I said

Mom said that if we're lucky you'll live for another month or two. Josie said

Dad found a supernatural doctor, that is helping you not throw up blood and die faster. Lizzie said

We have to give you human blood every other hour. Josie said and I nodded

We have to go. Josie said

Okay, I'll see you later. I said


I heard a knock on the door, and I woke up

Then the door opened and I saw Hope

I told them not to tell you. I said

Lizzie couldn't hold it in. Hope said and walked over and she grabbed my hand

How could you not tell me that you're dying? Hope asked

You have so much to worry about already. I said

You're more important. Hope said

To be honest, I didn't want to see you, the worst thing other than knowing that I'm dying, is seeing you love Landon more, than me. So I guess I thought you'd be with him. I said

You were the first person I loved, you were my best friend, I could never love anyone more than you. Hope said as tears ran down her face

I'd kiss you if I wasn't in so much pain right now. I said and she squeezed my hand

I can't lose you again. She said

I promise I will call my aunt and see if she can fix this. Hope said

Trust me, I have already accepted my fate. I said and I lifted my hand up and I touched her cheek

I haven't. She cried

Don't cry for me. I said and she laid her head on my chest and

I love you. She said

I love you too. I said and she looked up at me and she put her hands on my face and kissed me

I kissed back and then she pulled away

I'll be back. She said


Hope is laying next to me

A fake Landon is sitting next to the bed while he is being filled up with Hope's blood

Are you okay? Hope asked

You're the one giving away your blood. I said

I'm more worried about you right now. She said

I'm fine. Just tired. I said

Then go to sleep, I'm right here. She said and she grabbed my hand


I woke up to hearing glass break and I looked over and my window was broken and so was the door

I closed my eyes and listened in and I heard Hope yelling for help

She was outside

I took the stuff off my body and I sped out the room to go find her

And I found her outside and she was talking to Landon but I could tell it wasn't Landon

I sped over and punched him hard enough that he passed out

I've always wanted to do that. I said and Hope ran over to me and I laid my head on her shoulder

I am so tired, but I had to help you out. I said

My hero. She said and hugged me

Let's get you back in bed. She said

Right yeah. I said


My eyes are closed and I heard the door open and when I opened my eyes I saw Josie, Lizzie, and Hope

Hey, you three look happy. I said

We brought ice cream. Lizzie said

You know I can't have it right? I asked

We brought you a blood smoothie. Josie said

Yay. I said

Then they sat on the bed and Hope sat next to me and she helped me sit up

Josie gave me the smoothie and I started to drink it

So, tomorrow you will be able to start actually walking around, doctor's orders but you have to drink a lot of blood every other two hours and you can't stand for long. Josie said as she ate some ice cream

Oh, and you can't use your powers. Hope said

Dying sucks. I said

If you weren't in pain right now I would punch you for saying that. Hope said

Sorry. I said

Then Hope laid her head on my shoulder

After 15 minutes of just talking I got tired

We should go, and let you two sleep. Lizzie said

Thank you. I said

You're welcome. They said and left and I laid back down and Hope laid down next to me and she laid her head on my chest

So apparently if I live, I'll become a tribrid, like you. I said

You'll be like me. Hope said

Yeah, I will. I said and she grabbed my hand

I love you. She said

I love you too. I said and she kissed my chest and then covered us up and we fell asleep

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