S5 E13 When the Saints Go Marching In

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We are all In New Orleans again because Klaus put the hollow into himself and he was gonna kill himself but hope didn't let him and she knocked him out

But now he is missing even after we chained him up

I am looking for Klaus with Hope at the parade we are passing everyone

Then we see him in an alley

Dad. Hope said as we walked over to him

Come on. Hope said and held out her hand

Let's go home. Hope said and he was about to grab her hand then his eyes glowed light blue

Then Elijah vamped behind Klaus and broke his neck and then Marcel vamped over to Hope


I am in my room at the compound sitting next to my bed on the floor I'm playing with my ring

Then I hear a knock on the door and it opened and I saw Hope

Hey, what are you doing? Hope asked

Nothing. I said and she closed the door and sat next to me

What did you need? I asked

I think we should talk about us. Hope said

Oh okay. I said

We both said we loved each other, and we kissed a lot. Hope said and I nodded

What are we? Hope asked

I grabbed her hand and kissed it

Hope Andrea Mikaelson, would you like to be my girlfriend? I asked

I'll have to think about it for a while. Hope said and then kissed me

I would love to be your girlfriend. She said and I smiled and kissed her again


All of the Mikaelsons including me are all sitting at a table laughing and talking telling stories

After we ate we are now surrounding a fire after we put our wishes in the fire

You know, as much as I've savored the joy of tormenting you throughout the years, I must confess you all mean everything to me. Your loyalty and your counsel and your love... Is probably the only reason why I've survived as long as I have. Which is how I know... long after I'm gone... you will all come together, time and time again, to take care of each other. And that is why I'm not afraid... for your future. Klaus said

We're bound forever to those with whom we share blood. And while we may not choose our family... that bond is our greatest strength. Elijah said

Though I may be leaving you tonight... this is not the end of the Mikaelsons. Klaus said

Always and Forever. Klaus said

Always and Forever. Everyone said

Then Klaus grabbed hope's hand

I need a moment. Klaus said and walked away with Hope

I went to stand outside and I leaned against the wall after a few minutes of just looking at all the lights I closed my eyes

Peter. I heard from next to me and then I looked over and saw Klaus

Klaus. I said

I need you to watch Hope for me, take care of her, I know you love her, you have been protecting her longer than I have. Klaus said

Peter, you are a part of the family, Hayley saw you as her family and now I see you as mine, I know that you will love and care for Hope. Klaus said

And that is why you are a Mikaelson blood or not. He said and I nodded

Go and be with Hope, she needs you right now. Klaus said

Thank you. I said and I went inside

I went to find Hope and I found her in her room painting

I walked over to her and she leaned against me as I looked at the painting

It was of us at the wedding and Hope even added Hayley in the painting

It's beautiful. I said

Thank you. She said and turned to look at me

I rested my head on hers

Let's start our own adventure. I said

Let's do it. She said with a small laugh and we kissed

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