S2 E13 You Can't Save Them All

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I am walking around the prison world

I don't know how long it's been Hope has probably already moved on

I also met my dad and he knew who I was immediately

Jade and her friends have killed me a few times or at least I let them kill me

I am in the middle of town

Hey, cutie, you ready for another game. I heard and I stopped walking and I felt a hand on my shoulder

Come on Jade, you know you can't kill me, so why try? I asked

Cause, it's fun. She said and walked in front of me

You know, you are very hot. She said and grabbed my shirt and she kissed me and then vamped us and my back slammed against a wall and I groaned

I kissed her back and she then bit my neck and I grabbed her by the hair and my fangs came out and I bit her neck and I ripped her heart out

Hmm, you taste amazing. I said and I walked over her body and I got hit with a black wave that went into my body

Then after a few hours

Hey, kiddo, you wanna get out of here with me? Kai asked

Not really. I said

Why not, you got banished to this world just like me, we are the same, I'll teach you more magic, I'll teach you everything. Me and you have already bonded, I taught you spells. He said

You know Dad, how about you go, I'll find a way out. I said

You sure? He asked

Yeah. I said

Then you should probably know that your cousins are here. He said and then walked away

Interesting. I said and I sped to the Salvatore house

And I ran into the house and I saw Josie and Alaric in the living room but Josie looked different

Hey, sissy. I said and she looked at me

What did you do? I asked and my eyes went black


I walked into the library and I saw Jade and her friends talking to Alaric and Josie

Now Jo-Jo, you've got some explaining to do. I said

No I don't. Josie said

Really, because there is a bunch of black magic inside of me that says otherwise. I said and I walked past Jade

Then my eyes turned black and so did Josie's

Someone's coming. We said then I saw Hope

Josie? Hope asked looking at Josie then she saw me next to Josie

Peter. Hope said

Hello. Josie said

Only we can see you. I said

What happened to you two? Hope asked

I broke the sandclock. And some of the black magic went to Peter. Josie said

Oh, my god, I'm so sorry. Hope said

Who are you two talking to? Alaric asked

Hope-- she's astral-projecting. Josie said

Listen, you have to warn her about Kai. Alaric said

Why? What happened? Hope asked

Kai went into the Malivore pit, and we think he's trying to get to the real world. Josie said

Actually, I think he's already here, pretending to be someone else. Hope said

Kai's at the school. I said and then I sped out


I am back in the real world and I got up from where I was

Peter. Hope said

I was about to walk over to her to but I started to cough up blood

No. Hope said and ran over to me

Relax, I know how to fix it, but I need fuel. I said and I looked at Allyssa Chang

Perfect. I said and I sped over to her and I bit her and I drank some of her blood then I dropped her and I saw Alaric pointing his sword at me

Relax I didn't kill her, now, where's my dad? I asked

A few miles away. Hope said

You can't let him out. Alaric said

I won't, I'm going to kill him. I said and I sped off


I walked into the shed my dad was tied up in

It was dark out

Hey, dad. I said

Oh, kiddo, it's just you, come untie me. He said

You know, dad, my body is dying, and I need full access to witch powers so it can stop, but the witch I siphon has to be related to me. I said

So who better than my dad. I said

Okay, you're here to kill me. He said and I nodded

I respect it, I killed my dad, I killed my whole family. He said

Just like you killed your mom. He said

I'm not here to talk. I said and I went over and grabbed his head and I started to siphon him and then when I was done I saw that he was desiccated

Then I started to say a spell that he taught me and when the spell was done he started to turn to ash

Goodbye, dad. I said and I left


I knocked on Hope's room door and it was opened by Landon

Is Hope in there? I asked

Yeah. He said and walked out the door and I went inside and I saw Hope sitting on her bed

Hey. I said

Hey. She said

You moved on fast. I said

Uh, no, me and him were just talking, I told him that we could only be friends. She said

I missed you. I said

Did you fix your problem, are you gonna die again? Hope asked

No, I fixed it, I am now a full tribrid. I said and I whispered a spell that made the ceiling look like stars

You are a pro. She said

When I killed my dad, I got access to his memories and all the spells he knew, but I learned that one from a girl I knew. I said and I walked closer to her and she smiled

I missed you too. She said

Sorry for the whole death scene, I didn't think I would live. I said

I thought I lost you. She said and I walked over to her faster and I kissed her and she kissed back

I used magic to shut the door and lock it

Me and Hope laid down on her bed and she laid her head on my chest

Don't leave me again. She said

Never. I said

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