S1 E5 Malivore

805 21 1

I am in an assembly and I'm sitting on the stairs

Given recent events, some students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future.  And I agree. If you are expected to abide by this schools policies,  it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made. So I am forming an honor council. Dr saltzman explained

One vampire, one witch and one werewolf, each elected by their peers. Along with our schools counselor Emma, whose vote will represent the younger students. Now I have to go off campus. In the mean time I expect you to make good decisions and to vote wisely. That's all. Your dismissed. Dr saltzman said

After the assembly I got up and left the room I went outside to sit down

Peter, good you're out here. I heard Dr. Saltzman said

Yeah. I said and got up

Maybe you should come help me, I heard what happened with Jed so you should be away from the school. He said

Thanks but I'll be fine. I said

You sure? He asked and I nodded

See you when you get back. I said


I was in my room changing when the door opened I looked over and saw Hope

Are you still mad at me? Hope asked

No, I am only in my boxers so why are you here? I asked

I just missed you, and Dr. Saltzman is making me do tests to make sure that Landon is supernatural. Hope said walking over to me

Sorry about that. I said and she grabbed my face and kissed me

See you after. I said and kissed her one last time

Love you. I said and she said it back


I knocked on the twins door it was already open Lizzie and Josie looked at me

What are you doing here? Lizzie asked

Just came to see what the Lizzie saltzman was doing, I just want to annoy other people since my girlfriend is with a boy she had a crush on when she was 15. I said

Why are you not in Europe right now didn't you almost kill 4 people? Lizzie asked

Yeah so, I have a call with mom in like 25 minutes, I will be getting yelled at, and threatened, but she can't hurt me. I said

Josie. I said

Peter, hi. She said

Then Rafael walked in

I should go. I said

Good luck Lizzie. I said and vamped away


I heard fighting in the gym and I went in and saw Rafael and Jed fighting at first Jed was winning then Rafael won

The polls are now open. Rafael said

Hey newbie. I said and he looked at me

What do you want, shouldn't you be happy I got rid of Jed. He said

Here's the thing, I'd rather Jed be alpha than a newbie werewolf, who just turned like a week ago. I said

Jed was only my enemy because he was alpha, but now you're my enemy, and trust me I don't fight like Jed, I bite. I said showing my fangs

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