𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃

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"I will. Hopefully I'll see you soon."


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The same day of the meeting you decided to go to the bar to tell Diluc how the meeting went. You walked in with a wide smile on your face, for once you had that giddy feeling in your stomach. Not only because you felt like you accomplished something, but also because maybe you'd hop back into the dating scene as well.

Sitting at the bar you glanced at Diluc as he talked with another customer. As much as you did like him, you weren't sure where he stood on the whole dating thing. As far as you know, he didn't want to to date at all. You didn't want to waste your time, so why not put yourself out there?

As Diluc was done talking to his customer he strolled on over by you. "Welcome, got done with your meeting?" You nodded with a smile. "How did it go?" Diluc leaned in to the counter to make sure he could hear you.

"It went really well! There was only three other people there but they were all really cool. I think I'm definitely going back." You paused for a moment and started fiddling with the ends of your sleeves. "Also one of the guys asked for my number. I thought 'why not!' And gave it to him. I think he's going to ask me out on a date." Dilucs eyes darkened a bit.

"A date?" You nodded again. "Good for you." He said bluntly while turning away from you. "Hope you have fun. What's the guys name?" Why was he being so hostile all of a sudden?

You frowned and crossed your arms. "His name is Kaeya. He seems like a really nice guy." Dilic whipped around and slammed his hands down on the table. A few people sitting around the area glanced towards the two of you.

"Don't go on a date with him." You scoffed. "Seriously Y/N. It's not a good idea." Diluc wasn't sure how to take this situation, but the one thing he regretted was not telling you that Kaeya was his brother.

"Thanks for your input Diluc, but you aren't going to tell me who I can't date." You slid off the chair and started towards the door. "It's not like you're my boyfriend or anything. We are just friends." That struck Diluc hard. He knew that he cared for you, but now his eyes were open.

"Wait, Y/N!" He yelled, but you were already outside the door. As much as he wanted to chase after you, Diluc had a business to run. As he turned around some people averted their gazes. "Dammit." He whispered while clutching his fist. Diluc wasn't sure if he just lost you, but he hoped he didn't.

"What a fucking idiot!" Said Yae Miko through the phone. "Sounds like he's possessive. Get rid of him." You rolled your eyes as you sat on your couch petting Gizmo. He's gotten bigger since you rescued him. "Ei says get rid of him too. He's trash." But he was trash that you still liked.

"I'm just going to go on the date with the guy from my... Club." You didn't want to tell Yae about your addiction only because you felt like she might berate you for it. She was your friend, but she was also very judgmental.

Yae Milo clicked her tongue. "Whatever you say Y/N, just make sure you have fun." With that you hung up the phone and threw it to the side. Did you really want to go on a date with this guy though? You thought about his face for a moment and how he acted. Kaeya was most definitely a flirt and was nice, but there was something off about him as well. You couldn't put your finger on it.

At the end of the night you had decided that it probably wasn't the best idea for you to go on the date with Keaya. Before anything, you wanted to get your feelings with Diluc figured out. "Ugh." You groaned. "I hate feelings." You stared at your phone from the spot you were sitting in. As much as you wanted to text him, you were angry.

"Don't do it Y/N." You said to yourself. "It's not worth it right now." Your heart ached for a moment, but for now this is what you wanted.

For the next couple of days you cut off connection with Diluc and of course he was too stubborn to text you as well.

He as well stared at his phone longingly. Part of him hoped that you would text him, asking to come over or go get a drink, but he knew he screwed this up. "Should I?" Asked Diluc. His red eyes shifted to the side, staring at his friend who was sipping on another wine bottle.

"No..." Venti squinted his eyes. "What did you say her name was again?" For some reason it sounded very familiar, but Venti couldn't put his finger on it.

"Y/N." Diluc said bluntly. "Why do you ask." Venti's eyes widened for a moment. "What." Diluc asked again. He was starting to worry. How did Venti know you?

Venti looked over and saw the terror in his friends eyes and laughed. "Don't worry! She's in the rehab group." What a small world. Who would of thought you would of been in a group with Venti of all people? "Kaeya gave her his number." He said while wiggling his eyebrows. Diluc had to hold himself back from strangling the poor man. Venti must've felt the murderous aura and kept quiet.

"Don't remind me." He muttered while shooting Venti a glare. "I don't know what to do Venti." As much as Diluc didn't want to admit, he might of needed his dear friends help. "Please. Help me." Venti smiled and placed his wine bottle down.

"Well my dear pupil."

"Don't call me that."

"Well, Diluc." Venti said harshly. "I think you should wait for her to come to you. She's an angry woman, and from my experience. You don't want to mess with a angry woman." He said seriously. "So just wait. She will come to you when she's ready." Diluc sighed and leaned back into the couch.

"Hopefully Y/N will come to me soon."


For the last couple of weeks I've been struggling writing the next chapter, so I do apologize if the next one is a bit late. I'm working my way through it bit by bit though! I just wanted to let you homies know I haven't forgotten about this book or any of you, just having writers block :)

While we wait, any questions you guys have for me? A little Q/A while we wait for the next chapter to come out!

Hope everyone enjoyed!

𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓸𝔁𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 (Diluc x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now