Secrets, secrets and more secrets

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(3rd Person PoV)

Yusei wasn't expecting to have to nurture a young teenager back to life after finding him bleeding in the junkyard.

He had not expected to run into the Arcadia again who were looking for an eleven year old boy.

But alas, he finds himself in that situation.

He first found a young teenager with blue hair and pink highlights, lying unconscious in the junkyard where he goes and finds pieces to help maintain his D-Wheeler.

He was bleeding from the head and had a stomach wound as well.

Yusei rushed him into the garage where he was staying and called for an ambulance.

While the ambulance was on its way, Yusei had to wrap up the stomach wound so he would no longer bleed out while waiting for medical attention.

He disinfected the head wound before wrapping bandages on it.

That should do it for now. At least until the ambulance comes, he thought.

After a short bit, he heard ambulance sirens and went over to the front to open the door to let them in.

They took the young teenager to the hospital in the ambulance and Yusei cleaned up the room where he bandaged up the boy.

After doing that, he decided to drive to the hospital to see if he'll be ok.

(Time skip)

Yusei has been waiting for a long time until a nurse came in and seemed to be looking for him.

"You're the one who found the boy?" She asked and he nodded.

"Well the good news is that he lives. If you haven't bandaged him up, he might have died of blood loss on the way here," she told him.

"And the bad news?" Yusei asked.

The nurse sighed before replying with, "He seems to have amnesia. Once he woke up, we asked him a couple of questions like his name, name of his parents or guardian, phone number, anything that could help us contact whoever is in custody of him like a parent or guardian. However, he could only remember his first name which is Yusaku. We believe that the amnesia was caused by either a seizure or a severe head injury."

"Amnesia? That's curable right?" Yusei asked.

"It is but it may take a while for his memory to come back. He'll stay here until he can be released by the doctor's orders. Problem is that we don't know where he'll go from there," the nurse muttered.

"I can take him in until he gets his memory back," Yusei suggested.

"Really? Well we need to do a background check on you, only if you consent of course," the nurse told him.

"I'm fine with that." Yusei said.

They did the whole background check, only seeing that his only criminal record is that he trespassed some place. They were more than hesitant to leave the young boy in his care but then would have another check which showed that he was cleared of those charges and they allowed him to take Yusaku in until his memory returns.

A couple days passed and Yusaku could leave the hospital.

"Sorry if it's a bit of a mess. I was busy doing maintenance when they called me," Yusei apologized as he let Yusaku in.

"...s'alright," Yusaku muttered.

"You can turn on the TV while I go and order something to eat. Is pizza ok with you?" Yusei asked and Yusaku nodded.

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