Christmas! 🎁 🎄

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(3rd Person PoV)

Yusaku had a headache. It's as simple as that.

He scuffled his scarf closer to his face as he walked through the snowy path to get to his apartment. He just wanted to get away from the bright lights, the loud bellows of the carolers, and avoid people all together.

He rubbed the temples on his head as he maneuvered his way through the crowds of tired adults, screaming kids and laughing teens his age.

After all, it is a time of joy.

Not for Yusaku though. It hasn't for some time.

Finally, from what he felt like forever, Yusaku made it to his apartment. He went up to his room and shut the door behind him. It was quiet...too quiet.

Well since Ai isn't around, he can't have his conversations with Ropoppi. It was oddly lonely. Not that Yusaku cares or anything since it's a feeling that he's used to.

He unwrapped his scarf and tossed it to his bed, not bothering to hang it up. He took off his jacket and also tossed it onto his bed.

He pulled up a seat and sat down, exhausted. He was really considering getting some medicine for his headache but decided against it in the end. He just had to suck it up for a couple of minutes and then he'll sleep it off.

He went to his computer and checked Link Vrains' logs.

Nothing suspicious or dangerous was happening. After all, it's still under renovation after the whole Tower of Hanoi happened.

Still...Yusaku was worried that something might strike again.

He then stopped and turned off his computer. He got up and went to where his clothes were.

He grabbed his pajamas and quickly changed.

He fell front face onto his bed and curled up into a ball, waiting for sleep to claim him as he felt his head pounding and pounding.


Yusaku blinked and he was suddenly somewhere else. A lab with multiple different artifacts around him. Some were broken while others were stacked neatly against a wall.

He looked around, confused until he heard a noise in front of him.

He could only see the back of him but it was of a small boy with auburn hair who seemed crouched over something. Over the sparks of electricity, he could hear the boy humming Jingle Bells to himself.

The boy wasn't familiar to Yusaku at all. How did he get in here? It wasn't his room!

He took a step back and nearly knocked something down. As he struggled to place it back where it was, the boy finally turned around.

His eyes widen and his mouth broke into a large smile.

"You're here! I've been waiting for you!" The boy cheered and ran up to Yusaku.

"...what?" Yusaku asked.

"You're finally here! Just in time for Christmas too," the boy told him.

"Do I know you?" Yusaku asked but the boy laughed at this.

"Don't be silly. Of course you know me. Now come on! The others are waiting at the bus stop," the boy grabbed Yusaku's hand and pulled him over to the door.

He opened it and they both went out with a green drone following them while holding onto multiple wrapped presents.

Yusaku had many questions running through his head but none had a clear answer to them. All he knows is that this boy, whom he was twice the size of, was dragging him to who knows where and towards whoever the others are.

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