Friends are still friends even if they're dead

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(3rd Person PoV)

For as long as he could remember, Yuga could see ghosts.

He could also have conversations with them but he was never close to any of them.

And the ghosts that he did see wanted nothing to do with him other than help to pass on to the afterlife.

It was until one day after he invented and installed Rush Dueling in every duel disk made by Goha, a ghost made his appearance to him and stuck around longer.

Yuga had walked back to his lab to see a card sitting on his desk. It wasn't a card that he owned and upon further examination, he realized that it was a card of legend.

The legendary Stardust Dragon.

Did someone leave that here? Yuga thought but that couldn't be! He locked his lab and only he had the keys to it. And there were no signs of any lock picking.

"Hey," a voice said and Yuga jumped.

"Who's there?" He asked.

And then he saw him.

A tall figure with spikey hair and wore a jacket.

Yuga could tell that he was a ghost due to the transparency of the figure.

"Oh another one. You need help with something? Something to pass on?" Yuga asked, already expecting the drill to help out the ghost.

However, this ghost was different.

He tilted his head and asked, "Something to pass on?"

"Yeah to move on to the afterlife. That's what most ghosts need me for," Yuga said.

The ghost looked at him, confused.

"I don't understand. I just woke up somewhere and wandered off. I left something very precious behind though and I was looking for it," he explained.

"Ah, would that be this," Yuga held up the card.

"Stardust Dragon! Yes, I was looking for that," the ghost nodded.

Yuga was about to give it to him before he remembered two very important things.

One, the card was solid and he was unsure if the ghost could even pick it up.

And two, as his mother told him that a human and a ghost must not touch humanly things at the same time.

He doesn't particularly know the reason why but he suspects that the ghost must stick by his side and is connected to his soul until the ghost passes on.

Unfortunately, looks like no one told the ghost that as he reached for his card.

"Hey wait!" Yuga cried out but it was too late.

As soon as the ghost touched the card, a large silvery glow appeared which blinded the two.

Yuga felt something heavy on his chest and held his free hand to grip onto where his heart would be.

Then he suddenly saw flashes of something. It was from a isolated and mysterious wasteland with junkyards everywhere and people with strange markers on their faces.

Suddenly it stopped and Yuga no longer felt that heavy feeling on his chest.

The ghost looked confused and concerned.

"What was that?" He asked.

Yuga sighed and looked at the card.

"Looks like you're now connected to my soul until you pass on," he explained.

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