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(Third Person PoV)

Yusaku was walking home from school, clutching onto his umbrella as raindrops as big as pearls rained down from the sky.

He didn't really seemed to be in a good mood as he bumped into crowd's shoulders.

He just wanted to be out of the rain and quickly.

But then...


Yusaku stopped and looked around. Did he just heard a cat's meow.

He then spotted a soggy box near the edge of the road and approached it. What he saw inside shocked him.

A large raven furred cat was crouching and seemed to be shielding something with its tail.

As Yusaku took a closer look, that something ended up being an auburn kitten with some yellow fur around it.

Who would leave two cats here? Yusaku thought and shielded the cats with his umbrella.

The larger cat looked up at him and he could see how miserable it seems.

Yusaku held out his hand so the cat could sniff it to show that he meant no harm.

He then, carefully maneuvering his umbrella as well, picked up the two cats.

He went straight to his apartment, tossed the umbrella away so he could carry the two cats more comfortably and went to the bathroom to get some towels.

He placed them on a table and set the two cats down. The auburn kitten pressed itself closer to the raven colored cat and was shivering.

Yusaku rubbed the towels on the cats to keep them warm and to dry their fur.

After he did this, the auburn kitten dashed away and hid behind a trash can. It poked its head out to stare at the larger cat who just loaf there, still miserable.

Yusaku could hear the low grumbling sound from the cat's stomach.

"You're hungry," he concluded and left to get some suitable food for the cats to eat. He made the bathroom door was closed so the cats don't run around his apartment and get hurt.

He took out his phone and googled two things. What can cats eat and what to do if he finds a stray cat in the rain?

Surprisingly, he has done some things right like providing shelter and he's about to give them food.

All they need is some water to drink and a litter box. He doesn't have a litter box so he might need to substitute for something.

He grabbed some cooked chicken and some carrots and made his way to the bathroom.

Yusaku carefully opened the bathroom and saw that the cats were sitting on the toilet (the top was down) and were staring at him.

It was a little unnerving but Yusaku proceeded to brush that off.

He held the chicken up in one hand, hoping that the cats would sniff it and come looking for it.

This worked as the raven furred cat jumped down from the toilet and walked over to Yusaku. It sniffed the chicken cautiously before taking it and chewing on it.

The cat then took some and walked off before dropping it near the kitten. The cat's whiskers twitched against the kitten who then cautiously ate some chicken.

Yusaku then placed the carrots down before leaving the bathroom again and returned with a box and a garbage bag. This was the closest that he has to a litter box.

(Couple days later)

So Yusaku was not expecting to get attached to the cats.

He had looked everywhere if anyone had any missing cats considering that the older cat was neutered so he must have belonged to someone at some point.

No use though. There was not a single report of anybody missing any cats so one of the most logical conclusions other than them being strays is that they were abandoned.

This struck something in Yusaku because he was abandoned as well so he allowed the cats to live with him.

They were expensive to take care of though. The amount of money he has to spend on their food, toys and litter box.

"You two are going to make me be broke," he told them once. They just purred at him.

Yusaku has spent almost all day, trying to find names for the cats. It was harder than it seems. He scrolled for hours on cat names before getting desperate and looking at baby name websites. Not the greatest of plans but what can he do about it?

As he laid on his bed while on his phone, the raven furred cat jumped up and turned to help the kitten up. The kitten was really small for his age so he needed help with getting up on things.

Like Yusaku's bed.

"You have your own bed," Yusaku told them as he placed his phone down.

The kitten mewed and bumped his head against his leg.

Yusaku scratched the top of the kitten's head and the cat loafed up beside him.

One thing that made name finding easier was that the cats were male. Now he could gender neutral names but that limited his options so he went with both pools of names.

He grabbed his phone again and looked at the Y names.

He passed his own name before finding a real interesting name.

"Yusei...," Yusaku said and the large cat yawned.

He glanced at him before looking at his phone again.

He repeated the name and the cat's ears twitched.

Yusaku then looked back at the name list and scrolled up a little.

"Yuga," he said and the kitten began to chew on his finger. Yusaku pulled back his finger from the kitten's mouth and looked back at the cats.

He believes he finally found names for them.

A/N: I got bored one day and thought, what if one of the TechTrio found the others but they were cats.

I just love cats. I want one but parents say no. I have a funny looking dog though and I love him very much.

 I have a funny looking dog though and I love him very much

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I found him like this once. Bro poses a lot.

Cya in the next one -Flare

TechTrio one~shotsWhere stories live. Discover now