Body Switch (Yusaku)

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(1st Person PoV)

"I told you that staying in Link Vrains up until dark was a bad idea. Now we're going to be late for school," I told Takeru who was busy putting things in his bag. I was holding onto a crystal that I found while we were in Link Vrains.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm aware. But I thought it would be a hint. Anything to the other Ignis," Takeru told me.

"I get that but still," I pointed out.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow, Yusaku. Don't sleep in too much!" Takeru said and waved goodbye.

I waved back before heading towards my apartment.

I placed my duel disk away and went to change into my pajamas. I got under the covers of my bed and tried to fall asleep.




"Yusei, get up!" I felt a heavy weight on my head and I sat up immediately, a pillow falling into my lap.

Yusei? I thought, confused.

I looked up to see a guy with orange, spiked up hair and had yellow markings on his face. He seemed distressed.

"Come on, Yusei! We have to go and stop Jack from buying expensive coffee again. I can't afford him putting it on my tab," the orange haired guy said.

"Huh?" I gave him a blank look.

"Get changed and quickly," the orange haired guy said and motioned to some clothes on a chair before running out after closing the door.

I got out of bed and looked around the room. It wasn't mine. Mine was more cleaner than this.

I then looked down at myself and realized that my body was different. More taller, muscular and tanner than my own.

"What?" I asked and realized that my voice has changed as well.

What was going on?

I looked for a mirror and found it. This new body had raven colored hair with yellow highlights, blue eyes and had a yellow mark under his right eye.

And that guy called me Yusei. Did I body swapped with him? How can this be? I thought.

The door knocked again.

"Yusei! I need back up! Jack has found out about my plan to make him stop drinking expensive coffee!"

It was that guy again.

"Get back here, Crow you b*sterd!"

It was another guy, Jack maybe.

So this Yusei guy lives with these two guys whose names are Jack and Crow. Huh? I thought as I quickly changed into the clothes that Crow motioned me to.

I opened the door to see Jack having Crow in a chokehold and I stared blankly at them.

Jack let go of Crow as soon as he saw me and Crow said, "about time. I could have died."

"Could not," Jack scoffed.

"I...well, don't do that...anymore," I said, awkwardly.

Then they both stared at me confused.

"Are you ok? You seem different," Jack tilted his head.

Oh no. Bad first impression! I thought in a panic.

I then awkwardly coughed, "just a cough that I can't get rid of."

"Hmm," Crow looked at me suspiciously before shaking his head quickly.

"Well we need to leave soon. We promised the twins that we'll spend breakfast with them and to give them moral support. They have an exam today and they're both super nervous. Aki is coming along too since she has the exact same exam," he said.

Crow then pointed at Jack, "and you will not be drinking expensive coffee again!" He stated.

"Geez," Jack rolled his eyes before shooting a glare at me.

I just awkwardly followed them as we went out of the apartment.

"We're walking over there?" Jack asked as Crow got on this motorcycle like vehicle.

"You, Yusei and Bruno are. I need to get to my job after breakfast. Speaking of which, Bruno fell asleep in the garage again so Yusei, go wake him up," Crow told me.

" Oh sure," I turned away and looked for the garage.

It took me a while but I eventually found it and also found a guy with blue hair sleeping on what I assumed to be blueprints for something. I guess that's Bruno.

I walked over to him and shook his shoulder.

"Wake up," was all I said and I kept shaking him until he eventually stirred awake.

"Huh? What time is it?" Bruno asked.

I turned away to face the entrance of the garage and said, "we're going to have breakfast with the twins."

"Breakfast...with the twins...that's today! Why didn't you wake me sooner?" Bruno asked and got up.

I just shrugged.

We both walked out of the garage to see Jack waiting for us.

"About time. Do you even know when their school starts? At this rate, all three of them will be late," he scolded.

"Sorry about that," Bruno said and I said nothing.

Bruno then looked at me and asked, "Yusei are you alright? You seem different?"

"It's nothing," I murmured, hoping to get suspicion off me.

Didn't seem to work because the glare that Jack was giving me was tearing a hole through me metaphorically.

It seems like he knows something is up although I'm not sure why. I hope that I'm playing off as this Yusei for now.

"I don't believe it's nothing. Now tell me, what have you done with the real Yusei?" Jack demanded.

Ok, maybe not.

"Huh? Jack, that's not Yusei?" Bruno asked.

"Of course! I know my rival and foster brother very perfectly and that's not how he is so tell me, what have you done with him?" Jack demanded.

"...," I just merely shrugged which frustrated him.

Now that I think about it, where did this Yusei go? And what's my own body doing now?

A/N: sorry it's shorter than the Yuga one. I didn't fully know what I wanted to do with this one~shot. Plus, this book was in due for an update.

Cya in the next one -Flare

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