The forest~

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na'vi being spoken
shouting in na'vi
shouting in english

Y/ns pov:

i make my way through the people and knock on the wooden pole beside the doorway of the sully's tent, slowly peeling back the animal skin cover as a door.

As i walk in i notice Neytiri feeding 3 year old tuk on her lap. i smiled, reminding me of my little brother.

"i see you, neytiri good morning!" i chirped happily, neytiri doing the same. Lo'ak heard me and jumped on my back hugging me. "Finally you're done! Eywa you took hours ugh" he groaned as i hugged him back.

i laughed softly "i took like 30 minutes you nut case" i scoffed playfully. Neytiri also giggling at her son and his best friend, whom she saw as a daughter of her own.

"okay well cmon go get neteyam and kiri i wanna go exploring!!" i said impatiently and he groaned "why cant we go by ourselves, were old enough to take care of ourselves" i only responded with an eyeroll.

Soon Neytiri spoke up saying "You may go out into the forest by yourselves, but you may only go as far as the spirit tree, understand?" she spoke harshly at the end, making sure we understood the importance.

we nodded giddily as hugged her, lo'ak nuzzling her left side while i nuzzle her right. "Thank you neytiri!!" we spoke in unison as she smiled as shooed us off.

me and lo'ak ran and climbed down the trellis of vines down to the mountain and trecked downwards finally reaching the forest floor.

i inhaled a deep breath while tilting my head to the sky, smiling at the fresh air while lo'ak observed me in an almost awe struck kind of way.

"so skxawng where do we go today" he questioned while climbing the trees along with me.

"lets go to the spirit tree, i want to connect to my mother and speak to her" i smiled at the thought of seeing her.

"One trip to the spirit tree coming right up" he said while laughing "you nerd!" i shouted ahead of him, swinging through the trees soon reaching our most sacred plain.

my mouth fell agape as i stared in awe of the pink-ish tendrils, running my hand across them as i grab my two-toned braid, connecting it to a couple of them.

My pupils blown as i sigh softly, Lo'ak doing to same. "i feel her, lo'ak i can feel all of them" i smiled at the children's laughter.

"i know its so cool" he said laughing. i slowly began to drip into a vision, everything around me turning into a white flash, suddenly hearing the voice of the one who gifted me such a life.

"i see you, my beautiful daughter. i can not believe how big you have grown, you are so beautiful my darling." she spoke softly upon seeing my unique hair and birthmark.

"i see you, great mother. i am so happy to have connected to you, i have missed you greatly over the last week." i smiled upon feeling a warm embrace.

"my sweet child, as much as i would love to hear about all the wondrous things you have to share with me, there is a danger coming to pandora. Sky people will return and i need you to warn the one they call Jake'sully. i would never ask anything if it were not so desperate."

i stood there for a moment unable to speak. "wait mother-" i began to speak feeling her being torn away from me warm tears started rolling down my face as i screamed and cried as i regained consciousness only to find myself back in the village, surrounded by my mother, Neytiri and Jake.

I sat up gently and rubbed my temple trying to figure out how i ended up here when Jake spoke up, "Easy there y/n take it slow you passed out three days ago after lo'ak called me saying what happened. are you okay?"

i sat there and drank the water Neytiri offered me as i let the vision slowly sink in before speaking "Jake i had a vision from Eywa, saying that skypeople will return and that we need to prepare."

jake sat there in his own worry praying that he could keep his family and his people safe.

"Thank you for telling us, Y/n please take it easy and rest in your tent" Jake spoke softly while smiling at me.

"Yes sir, thank you!" i said as i wandered into my room only to be met with a sobbing Lo'ak in my hammock.

"Lo'ak?" i questioned slowly as i yawned and rubbed my tired eyes.

"Y/n! you're awake! thank you Eywa i thought you died! mother and father kicked me out the tent after we brought you back and grandmother went in i thought i lost you" he cried as he wrapped me in his arms on my hammock as i faced him, hugging him back while rubbing his back soothingly.

"im okay you big idiot, im fine shhh its okay" i smiled at how much he cared for me.

"dont do that again, you hear me i mean it i cant lose you" he cried more into me until i heard it die down and was replaced with soft snores.

i giggled softly and kissed his cheek "goodnight idiot" as i slowly drifted off to sleep, being in a warm embrace making me have the deepest sleep ive ever had.

lmk what u think <3 ily!

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