
988 26 4

Na'vi spoken
Na'vi shouting
English shouting

Y/ns pov:

I woke up to a loud horn sounding, people rushing out and diving into the water. I groaned as i rubbed my sleep away from my eyes, standing up and seeing everyone already gone.

I walk out to be met with Tsireya, Smiling brightly at me "The tulkun have returned y/n cmon!" she grabbed my hand as i chuckled and smiled at her excited expression.

Diving into the surprisingly warm water i swam with Tsireya to her spirit sister, watching everyone interact with their brothers and sisters making me smile softly.

"Hey princess" i heard Lo'ak behind me as i turned around, immediately being met with his lips. I pecked him back and smiled at him.

"Hi pretty boy" i said as he held hands, admiring the tulkun around us spending the day with them and our friends.

3rd person pov:

Quaritch and spider had been together for a couple weeks, Spider starting to feel closer with his father as they spent more time together.

Quaritch had tamed an ikran, Naming it cupcake, and flying him and spider around, landing on top of a ship, jumping down in front of a man with grey hair and slight stubble across his face.

"So you're the asshole commanding this ship" he asked as quaritch smirked, his fangs flashing as he spoke "That'll be me."


The Captain, Mick scoresby was explaining to the colonel all about the operation and how the tulkun carried a special substance called amrita.

Walking out towards the smaller ships and equiptment, Quaritch and Lyle walking behind Mick as they approached a smaller speedboat.

"We'll be boarding this to track down the tulkun tomorrow morning" he said, charting to his colleagues and making sure everything is prepared for the next day.
Y/ns pov:

"Lo'ak! come with me!" i shouted running away from him and giggling as he chased me, getting closer and closer.

I kept running, at some point i found myself in a forest and there was no sign of lo'ak anywhere. I turned around in many directions, trying to spot him.

My tail flicked as my ears faced backwards, nose twitching as i tried to hear for any of him movement.

"Lo'ak? Where did you go?" i asked, tilting my head as i heard a slight chuckle, before i could turn around someone pinned me to the ground, tickling me as i laughed and squirmed underneath him, Begging him to stop.

"L-Lo'ak!~ Stop" i laughed, trying to push him off, My muscles weaker as i couldn't stop giggling.

"Not a chance baby doll" he laughed as i flipped us over and pinned his hands next to his head, tail practically wagging as i smiled at him.

I snuggled into his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent and sighing happily, smiling as i kissed his neck briefly.

Pulling away to see his flustered face and cute smile, fangs showing.

"So pretty, I love your smile" i said kissing his lips gently, feeling his smile widen as he grabbed my neck, deepening the kiss as i giggled lightly.

Pulling away to catch our breath, Chests heaving as we smiled at each other.

My ear twitched as i sat up, leaning on lo'aks thighs as i heard a noise, turning my head and getting up swiftly, Stalking my way towards the strange movement.

Lo'ak close behind me as i stopped, feeling his chest on my back, jumping off the branch and looking up to see a family of nantang.

"Lo'ak look! The babies are so cute" i whispered, My eyes shining as i looked at the children play fighting, Lo'ak staring at me in awe.

"You're so cute" he whispered, grabbing my hand and dragging me away towards his family and our friends to spend the rest of the day with them.


Short chapter for now, idk what to write so i hope you guys dont mind me taking a few days to think about what to do, The next chapter will be longer i promise :))

I love you!
Im proud of you!
Eat, Drink and Brush your teeth!

I love you!Im proud of you!Eat, Drink and Brush your teeth!💙

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