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Na'vi being spoken
someone shouting in na'vi
shouting in english

Y/n pov:

I slowly trudge into my families tent only to discover my mother and father along with my older sister sitting down for dinner.

as i go to sit down my father speaks up in a harsh tone "Y/n what were you thinking! do you not understand how dangerous that was? what if no one came to rescue you huh? you're lucky your mother was there in time" he scoffed.

"i know, father i do apologise. It will not happen again" i spoke in a soft defeated tone as my ears slightly lower in sadness, my tail flicks in anxiousness and my father just grunted in response.

silence soon took over the tent as we ate the meal my mother had prepared earlier. as we were nearly finished my little brother, Nge'ukx started to scream and cry from being fussy.

my mother went to stand to settle him, but i stopped her "it is alright mother, i shall attend to ukx's needs" i bowed in respect as i saw my mother smile softly

"thank you my sweet child"

i nod and slowly make my way towards the once sleeping infants part of the tent and rock him slowly back and forth while humming softly. Nge'ukx eventually stopped crying. i cooed at him as i placed him gently into his cot made out of twigs and leaves to create a soft bedding for comfort.

I paced back to the table and finished my hexapede meat and helped my mother clean the table. I walk to my own side tent for privacy as i begin taking off my loin clothes as i prepare for bed.

i tie my half braided half flowy hair into a low bun and grab my sleeping clothes.

(i hate adding notes in the middle of things but basically sleeping clothes is just kind of like an all in one dress loin cloth thing idk how to describe it😭😭)

i climb into my hammock and touch the side as it cocoons itself around me and i fall into a deep slumber, excited for the day to come to hang out with my friends once again.

9:00 am~

i softly start to feel more awake, my dream slipping through the gaps of my fingers as i awake to none other than my best friend, Lo'ak.

i jumped back in shock "Oh my eywa, you ass hat why are you watching me sleep you scared me" i start as he laughed at me "bro cmon we're gonna be late cmon!" he said in annoyance that you woke up about an hour later than you should.

"wait, how long have you been watching me sleep?" i questioned. he stood there thinking about what to say, finally speaking "i dont know maybe like an hour forty five minutes" he continues rambling about his dream and how he ate food with my mother waiting for me to wake up.

"okay okay i get it you're an impatient little baby crying for his mama cuz i was asleep" i rolled my eyes while walking towards my mirror that had been stolen from the sky people.

Lo'ak hissed at me for calling him a baby while i laughed at his awkward scream. "ok big boy out my tent i need to change" i said while gently shoving him out.

"fine dont take seven hours to get ready though" he groaned while walking back to his own tent. i giggled and grabbed my clothes for the day. i let my hair down and took my clothes down to this creek, placing them on a nearby rock as i slowly make my way into the cold water.

i grabbed a small yellow flower and rubbed it on my body, creating what appeared to be soap bubbles.

as i was clean i washed my hair delicately and put my silver top on and black loincloth.

(basically to match the tree birthmark i wanted to make her outfit be like the shirt neytiri wore in the first movie when she mated with jake)

(basically to match the tree birthmark i wanted to make her outfit be like the shirt neytiri wore in the first movie when she mated with jake)

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(thats basically the outfit y/n always wears but can we appreciate how beautiful neytiri it😩🙌)

i pick my belongings up and head back to the village, putting everything away and drying my hair. i walk out my room to the dining area and greet my mother and father "i see you, mother, father" i spoke with respect. "good morning, Y/n breakfast is on the table sweet child" my mother said as my father just grumbled at my arrival making my ears flop slightly.

i sat down next to my older sister, Rey'e and smiled "Good morning, Rey i see you" i greeted, removing my fingers from the forehead.

She returned to greeting, also digging into her food. i finished before everyone and slowly excused myself from the table, kissing my mother and baby brother on the cheek goodbye.

i went back into my room and grabbed my bag along with a small dagger, just in case and headed to the sully's tent.

yurrr 5 chapters done. feel free to leave a comment and dont be shy bbg's i love feedback 😻😻 ily drink water and eat food byeee 🤞

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