Jacob origin's

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It was boiling rain in the woods as a woman was running carrying something in her hands. She ran as fast as she could and then stopped behind a tree for a giant monster grabbing onto the other tree, crushing it as the monster sniffed something and it was something that the woman was holding. A baby.

Then The monster walks the other way as the baby starts crying.

??? : Honey, please don't cry mommy here.

As she tried to put the baby back to sleep, the monster from earlier heard the baby crying then started running towards the tree where the sound is from.

??? : Shit!

She runs away as the monsters are following behind her, she then slides to the side and runs to the other direction. The monster then grabs a tree and throws it towards them as she makes a spell circle that makes the tree disappear. But when she tried to run, a bright yellow light emerged and teleported her and the baby somewhere far from the monster.

??? : Wh-Where am I? Am I in the human world? Wait, I'm back in the human world.

She got up and looked around for anything but it was just her holding the baby In Front of an old house. She then looked at the baby who was sleeping.

??? : I can't stay here, I must find someone, someone I know….Halena

(With Halena)

Halena is scrolling through channels on her tv but suddenly she gets a knock on the door. She then got up and went to the door to open it to reveal a woman with a hood holding a

Halena : Uh..you need anything?

The woman pulled her hood to reveal a girl with white hair.

Jessica : It's me Halena. I need your help.

Halena : J-Jess?

(Few minutes later)

They are sitting on the couch with tea on the table.

Halena : So…how's Eda doing now?

Jessica : She is doing normal except for the curse.

Halena : Yeah…I thought after the portal closed, I would never get to see you again..and who's that baby? Your son?

Jessica : Yep, his name is Jacob..but It's not what you think it is..my friend gave this little guy before he died and I had no choice but to take care of him like my own. Just now Belos sent one of his monsters to get this kid because of some sort of speciality this lil guy had.

Halena : But why did you bring him here? Human world?

Jessica : Because this is the only place I know where Belos is hard to reach and I need you to take care of him because I know you're the only one who can raise him well.

Halena : Let me think about it for a minute.

(Few minutes later)

Halena was standing at the door holding baby Jacob as Jessica was about to leave.

Jessica : Thanks Halena..

Jessica puts on her hood and walks into the rain until Halena can't see her. She then walked inside, closing the door.

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