In Good Hands

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Within Trollmarket, the place once filled with happy light and busy streets had been left to nothing but a darkened heartstone, its golden color dying faster with every passing day.

The trolls sighed sadly, seeing what had been left of their home in the future. The place they called a haven for centuries would die and be lost to Gunmar. They would never blame their Trollhunter who was also currently hurting at the sight of the vast stone, all their anger was directed toward the Dark Lord that chased them from their home, killing them and it in the process.

Blinky gently massaged his hands, thinking as he would be Elder during this time, what was his next move? They possibly couldn't revive the Heartstone, unless their new awakened friend, Merlin (which Blinky was still processing) could help, but he doubted the future would be so forgiving and easy.

He only prayed that things would work out in the end. Swallowing his doubt, Blinky trained his eyes on the screen, ignoring the constant glances from Vendel.

Deep at the bottom of the vast stone, laid Morgana's still form as Gunmar advanced towards her prison, Usurna at his side.

"All this time, she was beneath our very feet."

"Whoa, whoa! You mean to tell me that Morgana was around us this entire time! Without us even knowing who she was in the beginning?" Toby gasped, looking towards Blinky.

"That must be deep within the Heartstone, someplace we rarely trudge through," Blinky stated, looking towards Vendel who gave a simple shrug.

"Her prison is indeed within Trollmarket, thankfully no one had discovered it, until now."

"Eldritch Queen, you will be freed from this wretched prison." The Dark Lord slammed the staff of Avalon into the floor, "and together, we will bring forth the Eternal Night." Within his trollish language, Gunmar chanted, the floor beneath the staff coloring in green.

"Does everything have to be a production with this guy? I'm sick of his dramatic speeches." Mary hissed out, rolling her eyes.

"Tell me about it, no one cares dude, just shut up and get on with it," Darci agreed.

Steve snorted, "yeah. Tell that to him to his face, see how far you make it."

Make the day night, the sun darkness, and me king.

Gunmar roared out as an electrifying feeling moved through him, the gem of the staff growing brighter as the light nearly swallowed Gunmar, who still hadn't pulled away.

"My lord!" Usurna cried out as he grunted louder, right as a strong pulse moved through him, throwing him back from the staff and into a nearby wall. Usurna glanced up at the staff curiously just as a circle of light poured from it, words circling the staff.

"Only human hands may wield. But how are we to find a human who can speak the Trollish incantation?" Gunmar's fist slammed against the stone floor, eye glowing in rage.

"Find me an Impure!" From his angered yell, the scene changed to Merlin digging inside the fridge, curious.

"Mm. Fascinating." The camera had been within the fridge, continuously filled with light than darkness as Merlin repeatedly shut and opened the fridge. From the side, Jim watched as he gently tossed food around in a pan.

"But how do you know the light goes out when you close the door?" Jim seemed a little concerned or rather disturbed as Merlin continued to slam it close and pry it open.

"I never expected Merlin to be in my house," Barbara stated as she joined her son's side, plates in her hand.

"Yeah, and playing with your fridge."

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