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Author Note: READ PLEASE!

Hey guys! We weren't clear in the Hiatus note so we are going to explain a few things. We don't want to abandon this story, we just had to say something so we didn't leave you guys in the dark on the situation and why we weren't updating.

This story may be written by a team but we are also around the ages of 19 years old to 21 years old. Yes, we love this show at our age, it's very nice to be a child sometimes to escape adult life. Some of us also have babies in our lives ranging from 6 months to a 1-year-old. Our hands are full but we still think of you guys and try our best.

We lost the scripts and we attempted to type it out ourselves but with little destructive kids we are very distracted and it wasn't working out.

HOWEVER, one of our readers stepped up and helped us out BIG TIME! She offered to do something for us and my team and I have never been so thankful!

Give skydownbelow on Wattpad a BIG thanks for taking us off hiatus for as long as we can. We are still in search of scripts to keep us going. Any questions feel free to message us on Gmail.

Email: thewonderland10 so I can get back to you guys faster!


Side Notes:

To summarize, we are looking for scripts, and please thank skydownbelow for stepping up and helping out!


The Trollhunting team perked in their seats, they were now looking at the future. Jim was a bit scared, to say the least, he didn't know what it would hold for him, or even if he was successful. However, that is what excited him. To see Claire already focusing on her new weapon was also amazing.

Jim glanced at her, smiling. She was perfect. She jumped right in, granted for her brother but they have gotten pretty close and she wasn't scared to support him through this and to be by his side. Even Toby did so much for him. This was something he was glad to share with them.

The abrupt beginning of the episode had started in the Hero's forge, Claire standing in the center as her frustration builds. As the Shadow staff continued to ignore her commands, she glared at the staff and let out a harsh grunt.

"Ugh! Why won't the shadow staff make a portal?" Claire asked, her tone showing clear signs that she was having a hard time. Draal steps over, placing his large hand on the staff to stop Claire from swinging it.

"Well, way to start an episode," Mary said, glancing at her friend who simply smiled. "If anything you need to calm down with that staff."

"Slow down young one. You must learn to empower the staff itself," Draal presses a metal finger to his temple, "Focus! Imbue it with your will." Draal demands as Claire looked down at the staff in consideration. "The stronger the emotions, the greater-" He is then cut off by grunts coming from another part of the room.

Blinky watched with interest. Where was he? He hadn't seen himself on the screen yet and usually, he'd coach them through something like this.

Toby swung his fists into Aaarrrgghh's palm, ranting as he did so. Blinded by his jealousy, he hadn't noticed the tiny flinches Aaarrrgghh made.

Toby sighed, Aaarrrgghh must have not told them about the injury yet. That was his Wingman, he should have realized something was wrong.

"I don't get it. Claire just joined the team, and she gets to handle the super-sweet, megamatic portal staff?" Toby said, venom dripping in his voice as he continued to throw punches. However, as he ranted, he had hit Aaarrrgghh with more force than necessary, causing Aaarrrgghh to wince and pull his hand back, resulting in Toby to swing another punch but missed and landed on his face.

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