Return of the Trollhunter

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Like always, enjoy the chapter!

The episode started, a lonely street in Arcadia as the darkness swallowed the town. However, the street hadn't stayed empty when Toby tumbled out from behind the car, panting as he ran.

"So, Toby is running?" Mary asked, raising her eyebrow as her eyes turned towards Toby. "Do we want to know why you're running?"

"Maybe a monster is coming, after all, look at what he is a part of now," Eli said, pushing his glasses back up. Shockingly, Steve had opened his mouth, speaking and what he said was absolutely different.

"Well, we will see in a little bit, maybe Goblins again and where is Jim. He is a protector right?" Some of the students had looked at Steve as he just revealed that he was a Changeling. "What? I'm not wrong."

"Since when did you actually stop making fun of them?" Mary said, her eyebrow raised.

"Some people can change Mary! I'm not saying I like them but I realized it's useless now to even say anything remotely mean!" This was weird. Mary turned in her chair, keeping her shocked and confused facial expression.

On another street, a pair of headlights coated the street in light. The camera kept changing it's view, once on Toby, then on the car, doing it over again. Yet, the man in the car had been throwing newspapers out of his car and rubbing the tired from his eyes.

"This doesn't seem as good." Eli mentioned, "he seems distracted."

The camera focused on Toby's shoes once more before it showed the young man behind the wheel, reach for the paper as he came to an intersection, Toby running right in the path of the car that wasn't stopping.

"Tobes!" Jim absently called out, worried for his friend.

Suddenly, the tires of the car squealed as the man tried to hit his brakes, seeing the young kid obviously not paying attention. Toby rolled over the hood of the car, yelling: "Holy moly!" The kid in the car gripped his steering wheel, looking afraid and waiting for Toby to stand.

"Really, all you had to say was "Holy Moly" after getting hit by a car?"

"What else am I supposed to say?!" Toby shrugged.

"I don't know maybe, scream because you got HIT BY A DAMN CAR!"

Jim whacked Toby on the arm, glaring at him, "You've could have been hurt or worse. Did you hide any injuries after that from us?" Toby just grinned.

Out of nowhere, Toby appeared his hands on the hood of the car as he made eye contact with the driver. Instead of caring about getting hit, he turned his to the side and his mouth dropped in fear. The chubby boy yelped and ran, the driver still confused until a flash of orange sped pass the windshield, lighting the hood on fire where it had last stepped.

"He got up pretty quick." All the students looked at Steve, waiting for a chubby joke because of the situation. He was quiet before but he was always muttering mean things, they didn't know he takes all this to consideration,

"What?" He asked, watching the screen. "I can be silent for a little bit." Yeah, he definitely seemed different. "I told you this, people can change," he leaned back in his chair.

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