To Catch A Changeling

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The sword of daylight was held straight, it's clear, shiny coat reflecting the image of a wooden fence as Jim's broad shoulders were behind it. With a smile, he flicks the sword, the metal becoming thinner as it showed each side of his face.

"Well, way to start the episode."

"All right. Do your worst," Jim said as he stood in a fighting stance as Toby prepared to throw the watermelon. The melon twisted in the air, finding the blade, Jim perfectly cut through the rounded object, a blue glow emitted from between the slices, letting each piece splinter, leaving no remains as it popped.

Everyone gasped as they watched the Watermelon blow into nothing but ashes. That sword had made everything that was killed, look cool. Blinky however, sighed and face palmed (have learning that from the humans). Jim was somewhat training but in a ridiculous way and he put money on it that Jim was probably smiling down there like an idiot.

Jim couldn't help but smile at the sight and raise his sword while the two celebrated.

"It slices!" Toby started.

"It dices!" Jim finished.

Toby smiled, "That was amazing!"Jim picked up a bag of tacos with the tip of his sword and let the bag slide down the smooth blade and catching it with his other hand. He set his sword into the dirt patch as he pulled out a taco, enjoying the flavor.

Claire chuckled at the two on the screen.

"All right, what else you got?" Jim wondered as Toby shoved a taco into his mouth before grabbing a stack of magazines.

Everyone laughed at their antics.

"Mmm. You know, we probably should recycle these. On the other hand, shredding them is more fun! It's less environmentally conscious, but more fun!" Jim finished his taco and quickly grabbed his sword.

"Pull!" Jim yelled excitedly. Toby spins and lets go of the stack of plastic like paper. He falls back with a thud, watching as the target flies through the air and straight for Jim. With an easy slice, a glow of blue once again covers the sliced target, blowing it to pieces. Many little remains of the magazines fell to the ground, covering Jim, Toby, and the lawn.

"Oh! Home run! Whoo!" Jim celebrated.

"It's like a ticker tape parade of awesome!" The two share a laugh as Draal steps out into the backyard, shutting the door as Toby runs to Jim's side.

"What is this mockery?" Draal asked, eying the teens.

"Oh, hey, Draal. Just working on some sword fighting skills," He took a swipe with his sword while Draal continues to come closer.

"The Sword of Daylight is not a toy to be played with. It is a hallowed obligation I have spent my entire life training to be worthy of."

"Dang, your whole life and it didn't even choose you."

Draal looked at the student with a small glare. He wasn't mad that Jim, one of his treasured fleshbags, was the new Trollhunter, but he did not need to hear that.

Jim eyed the sword before looking at him, "You want to take it for a spin?"

Draal snorts as Jim holds out the weapon with a smile. Draal watched with small eyes before realizing the situation. His large hand reaches for the sword gently, he grabs it and holds it high, smiling as he saw it in his hand. The reflection of his father appeared before the sword glowed and evaporated, finding its way back into Jim's hands.

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