Becoming: Part 2

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Jim was conflicted. He would admit that. Strickler's truth had been revealed so quickly while he tried denying the signs, even when Toby had pointed it out that there was always something off about the teacher.

Sighing and rubbing his forehead, Jim wanted to don the armor so bad. He knew he was being watched, not because of all the students that constantly watched him, either shocked, proud, or with other emotions but one look he had received felt different, felt threatening even.

Strickler was planning something but knowing the teacher, he couldn't even risk breaking a damn nail. He wouldn't touch Jim but he knew others would. Nomura. It was very possible that they were discussing something throughout the first episode. Even though Strickler's puppet, Angor Rot was not here, didn't mean he wouldn't face one of those two backstabbers at anytime.

"Hey," Claire reached for his hand that had been balled into a fist against his forehead. "You okay?"

"Yeah..." he sighed, holding onto her hand. They were about to kiss anyways after she had asked him to the dance so the hand holding was nothing but comforting instead of awkward. "Just... Tobes was right, Strickler was always the bad guy and now what I'm seeing in the show, how was I so ignorant?"

"You knew nothing of Changelings at that time. Jim, you are doing your best." He smiled and glanced at her. He wanted to mention to Claire that he was being watched by Strickler and Nomura but it worry her too much, besides, why ruin anything?

Slouching against Claire, the two watched the screen as the episode began to play.

The wheels on Jim's bike quickly turned as he peddled down the street. His wheels falling where the curb meets the street, water spraying near the sign with "Arcadia" written in bold. He pulls up near the dentist, a large mouth sign in view as he parks his bike near the entrance and walked inside.

A lady stood behind the desk as he entered, trying to stop Jim from interrupting the appointment.

"Don't go in there, he's with a patient." Obviously her warning meant nothing as Jim opened the door, finding his friend laid back, thick fingers operating in his mouth.

"Wow he did not care." Someone commented.


"Hey, Jim."

"Tobes! Tobes, Tobes, Tobes, Tobes! I have got to talk to you." Jim stepped closer to his friend who was pulled upwards by his dentist as the man in the white coat had continued to work.

Jim chuckled, looking back at this moment amused him. He was freaking out over the amulet on the first day that he couldn't even keep quiet or still.

"With all due respect, I cannot understand why I expected more composure," Blinky stated.

"Yeah, I cannot believe how bad I handled this."

"Uh, I'm a little busy right now."

"What?" Jim questioned, the dentist quickly translating.

"He says he's a little busy right now." The man shoved cotton wads in Toby's mouth as Jim cringed physically, looking disgusted at the view.

"Oh, God. It hurts."

Jim hadn't cared, "Okay, remember that thing we found the other day? In the canals. The thing with the gem and stuff? It works. It works like crazy!"

Students laughed, "He's a little busy but there's Jim with no care in the world."

"I was panicking! A suit of armor that appeared from magic!"

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