"Alright, this episode is the one that truly gets everything started, and trust me, if you want me to pause it or rewind it for some odd reason, I know I rewind at a certain part because it is so damn cool, but anyways, if need be, just tell me."
Jim and Claire eyed each other with excited smiles, knowing what was coming up
The intro music was once again skipped and the episode had started.
The start of the episode hadn't been too kind. Strickler and Bular had been prepared to open the bridge. Goblins chanted their fists slowly pumping into the air, preparing for the darkness to arrive. Everyone stood to the side, the bridge lit up as Strickler slowly walked down the aisle, holding the amulet in the air, Gunmar waiting to be freed on the other side.
"What in the name of Thor is he doing?" (Sorry, dragon's fan it's a habit)
Once Strickler reached the bridge, he kept the amulet raised as he kneeled, the Goblin's chants getting louder.
"Open the bridge!" Gunmar said smoothly as Bular chuckled and stepped up to Strickler and pulling the amulet harshly from Walt's grip.
"Don't open it!"
"It is my honor, Father."
"Where is the young changeling?" Nomura questioned, everyone was in their true form.
"He should be here," Strickler added before looking at the leader Goblin. "Fragwa, take your brethren and fetch that vile little beast."
Bular leaped on top of the bridge, "For centuries, Father, we have awaited your glorious return. Tonight, we take back the surface lands. Tonight, we feast!" He held the very tiny amulet compared to him, the Goblins screaming.
The amulet glowed a soft blue light, pulsing as it got closer to the bridge, Bular gently placing it into the spot meant for the amulet. The hands began to move, smoke radiating off of it as the energy was used to like up every crack in the bridge, the eyestone being the brightest.
Everyone gulped, they were barely into the season and Gunmar was about to be freed? This was bad.
The explosion of light caused everyone in the room to hide their face
"Finally after centuries of being in the Darklands-" Gunmar spoke but the bridge had started to shake, causing Bular to gasp out and point out the obvious.
"Something is wrong!" He yelled. The bridge started to crack, the light of the bridge getting harsh, blowing the people near the bridge away, Strickler pushing through the strong wind.
"Good! You deserve it!"
"Take out the amulet! Take it out now!" He cried, hoping that Bular would listen, he'd rather figure out what was wrong before all their progress and them, were lost.
"The portal is closing!" Gunmar's voice was becoming distorted, Bular hanging off the side of the bridge and gripping the amulet. The stubborn metal hadn't come out, Bular's grip being lost as he fell to the floor.
"My son, what have you done?" He tried to reach through the wall, his hand not going very far, being stopped by the blue border before Gunmar completely vanished and the amulet falling limp onto the floor.
"Father!" Strickler stepped up to the amulet and read the carvings, "Daylight is his to command. Bular!" He didn't have time to explain, Bular had grabbed him by his throat, nearly choking him.

Trollhunters: The Written Future
FanfictionAfter the events of the Shattered King, the Trollhunter team finds themselves in a mysterious room surrounded by classmates, teachers, family, trolls, and even enemies. What would happen when Jim Lake's secret is revealed and everyone's life changes...