Win Lose Or Draal

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Author's Note:

I am so sorry for the wait guys! I'm working extremely hard and never have time anymore! I guess that's what adulting is... sadly. I thought school was hard.

But seriously. The team right now is working hard for their families and I have two babies that I take care of while trying to earn a new car before my very old car decides to shit out on me so I'm working two jobs till 11 at night and we are losing our wonderful time.

So after editing, we will work on 3 chapters for you guys and publish them at the same time.


Instantly the episode begins, a familiar height poster plastered over the wall as Toby's figure slowly trudges to the corner of the paper, holding up the never pleasing sign of the APD name and a number, his first mugshot being taken.

"What an interesting start to the episode." Someone quickly said.

Jim looked at Toby with a snort, no longer finding the situation as bad but actually, comical. "Tobes, we have a criminal record just for going inside a museum."

The two started laughing, their faces going red as they joked about it. "Just imagine if someone dangerous asked how we earned the records and we tell him." They laughed while Claire watched with a smile, well watching Jim particularly.

"What kind of nerd breaks into a museum?" The cop mumbled. The camera whirred, preparing to take a shot as Toby looked up, his lips slightly puckered as his eyebrows raised at the fact he now had a criminal record. "Move to the middle. Pose."

After Toby had stepped to the side and heard the specific word "pose", he smiled shyly. As each time the camera clicked, Toby had different poses. One was him pointing to the sign he had been forced to hold, after that he had tried his best to make a 'handsome' face, holding the side further out on his side. With another pose of him holding it above his head, the cop had been irritated with the situation.

"He didn't mean literally," Steve added while Eli chuckled.

"Okay, come on." A surprise picture had Toby closest to the camera, with another click, Toby was off the screen. "No, stop! Next!"

Everyone jumped at Toby's face extremely to the camera.

Jim appeared from the other side, his posture slacking as he sighed, not even smiling. As the camera's whistle got higher, so did Toby's eyes that appeared at the bottom of the screen. With a click, Toby had taken a picture with his arm around Jim, the two holding up their signs, yet, Jim was giving Toby a displeasing look while he smiled into the camera. The cop groaned as the picture clicked.

"Well.. that was.... Um..."


Out in front of the police station, the colors of red and blue brightened the building as Strickler and Barbara as she thanked him, Jim and Toby had watched from inside the car.

"I can't thank you enough for coming to the station. They are so lucky she didn't press any charges."

Strickler smiled and responded, "Ms. Nomura is a personal friend. She agrees with me that this was nothing more than reckless youth run amok." In the car, Toby was perked up from the back seat.

"Yeah, okay. Only because you're sick monsters!" Someone yelled in anger while Strickler rolled his eyes.

"I mean, who else do you think is hiding an evil troll face? Coach Lawrence? Steve?" Toby let out a small gasp, "What if Strickler's one of them?"

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