THIS IS IMPORTANT! When someone gives us a nicely put review that helps us realize our mistakes in a kind way (and we thank you for that), when I was writing alone I only responded to the reviews, but since I have a team now, when you help us with our writing, we all put in our input so we are not all answering for each other!
We are also a bunch of Goofballs so...
Also, if you feel free to talk to us, if you want, you definitely can. *wink*
The episode started, the view of a familiar bridge on the screen, a cloudy sky covering the land as cars drove by, the man on the radio speaking to his listeners. "Maybe you should stay in bed, Arcadia," on the street, people shielded themselves from the rain with umbrellas, "Looks like this storm may stick with us for a while. If you're looking to stay dry, the local high school is performing Romeo and Juliet tonight."
In the hospital, Jim sat up in his hospital bed, Toby leaning inward, trying to listen to the voicemail that had been sent.
"Master Jim," it was Blinky. "You must listen to me very carefully. They've captured me and want you to come to the Bridge alone." His voice suddenly was raised and his warning was simple, "Don't come! It's a trap!"
"Well, that was the quickest tone change I have ever heard in my entire life."
Jim and Toby had listened as a fight broke out on the other side of the line.
"Give me that!" Someone argued before the voice was clear. This time, Strickler spoke to them, "It appears things have grown awkward, Mr. Lake. Meet me in the alley beside the theater if you ever want to see your friend again."
"Wow, way to keep it professional."
"I can already tell what might happen."
"Don't open the Bridge!" Blinky screamed, "Under no circumstan-" the line cut off.
"I've listened to it a hundred times now, and I still don't know what to do."
"You don't have to do this alone. You've got Aaarrrgghh, Draal, me."
"They said I had to be alone." Toby's face had dropped in a bit of shock. "If I'm not, what do you think they'll do to Blinky?"
Toby quickly put in his input, "Blinky made it clear. Under no circumstances."
"Enough friends have gotten hurt because of me. No more."
"Jim, they are doing it to help you. They'll keep doing it because they care. If anything, we all will put ourselves in that position to help you. If it means saving you." Darci said as Eli nodded.
"Yeah, just ask. I mean, we are pretty comfortable knowing that there are trolls around now so we wouldn't mind." Jim simply smiled, thanking them silently.
"Well, it's your call. You're the Trollhunter." Toby pulled the real amulet out of his pocket, handing it to Jim. "Here. I picked it up in the woods after they dragged you away." The amulet pulsed in its owner's hand. "I thought since we found it together, we'd always be in this together." They looked at each other in silence until Barbara walked in.
"Hello, Toby." Jim quickly hid the amulet behind his back.
"Hey, Dr. Lake. I was just leaving. He's all yours." He gestured to Jim as he hopped out. "Can you believe it? Coyotes!" Barbara gently slid the curtain shut, cutting him off.

Trollhunters: The Written Future
FanfictionAfter the events of the Shattered King, the Trollhunter team finds themselves in a mysterious room surrounded by classmates, teachers, family, trolls, and even enemies. What would happen when Jim Lake's secret is revealed and everyone's life changes...