Trapped in the Spiders Web!

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Smith: Do you recognize this Adress?

Monster Girls: That's our Adress!?/ Suu!

Smith had Met with the girls as you had seemingly disappear out of nowhere and Smith had A Suspicion on who it was!

Smith: I Have Reason to Believe that it was an Arachne we have been following for A Little while. She had been Avoiding our Custody for A Long time always Avoiding our Attempts with incredible speed and Intelligence.

Cerea: What would she want Master?

Smith: Well from we had seen we had found Kasegi tied up in Silk before we carted him off to Tail so She might had been working with him before Backstabbing him. We all Just have to hope that he's Okay.


You were In a Dark Warehouse tied up in A Cocoon of silk down the ceiling as you were Trying to Look around your surroundings.

Y/n: Um, Hello? Is anyone there? I'm getting Blood rush to my Head.

???: Oh, My You're a Cute one, aren't you~?

Y/n: Huh? Who is that?

???: You seem really shy for the guy who beat the Crap out of Kasegi Like that~ You Nearly Killed him~ I Like that~

Y/n: W-Who are you, Lady!?

Rachnera: Oh, My Name, Honey~? It's Rachnera Arachnera~

Rachnera: Oh, My Name, Honey~? It's Rachnera Arachnera~

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Y/n: (Blushing) H-Hi...

Rachnera: Oh, Honey You're So Cute~ Are you not afraid of me?

Y/n: W-Well Spiders are Interesting Creatures. They are the Only Creatures to spin webs, they are some of the biggest Invertebrates on the Planet Including the Goliath bird eating spider, and-

Rachnera then Began Chuckling which made you Blush.

Rachnera: Well, aren't you Just A Little Encyclopedia Aren't you Honey~

Y/n: (Blushing) I-I guess so... Mind cutting me down?

She then used A Claw to cut you down as you fell to the floor with A Thud.

Y/n: Ow... Thanks...

Just then there was A Bunch of Lights and A Bunch of Noise as Smith's Voice could be Heard!

Smith: Alright Rachnera please come out with your hands open or else we'll be forced to take you in by force!

Y/n: Rachnera I didn't know you were A- Huh?

Rachnera Was Just tearing up as she Tried not to cry in front of you.

Y/n: R-Rachnera?

Rachnera: Y/n... I'm not A Criminal... I only Hurt A Girl by accident and they thought I was Bad... You understand right...?

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