Chapter One

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"Does he know he has forsaken me?"

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"Does he know he has forsaken me?"

Emmaline Selwyn stood alongside her younger brother, Perseus Selwyn, as more guests continued to fill their family manor. Her eyes skimmed the room, noting that Henry Nott had his arm wrapped around Evelyn Rosier, speaking enthusiastically with Gregory Goyle. Her eyes found the infamous Black family, but no Sirius in sight, which caused her anxiety to spike. She gripped on to the cup of wine her mother gave her not that long ago, debating whether or not it would be lady like to down it all now since she can't find Sirius. The look of her face gaining the attention of the younger Black son.

It was the night of her betrothal to Sirius Black, and Emmaline was over the grand gesture, ready to get it over with. Much like her older brothers, her parents went all out with her announcement with the help of Walburga Black. It was a celebration that would be discussed until their own future children's, children were paired off with their arranged marriages. While her older brother's engagement to Narcissa Black was short, her eldest sibling was able to consummate the marriage and give the Selwyn name another generation of purebloods with the pairing that came with Cassandra Yaxley.

The sacred twenty-eight are an elite community whose time was dangerously coming close to an end. In order to preserve the purity of their blood, the oldest members came together to discuss pairings. With the Selwyn's rejoining the conversation by producing two more children 10 years after the youngest boy, they were able to pair Emmaline with Sirius Black, a pureblood elite and heir to one of the oldest names in their society. A win for the Selwyn family to have their daughter with an honorable match.

Emmaline and Perseus walked over to where her friends gathered, embracing Evelyn in a quick hug, and greeting Henry and Regulus. Perseus was the same age as Regulus, both boys a school year younger than the rest and bonded the way Emmaline was with Evelyn.

"I wish Severus was allowed at these things, he would be more appreciative than your brother, Reggie," Henry spoke, tucking his fiancé close to him. Emmaline hummed absently, not fully hearing his words before turning to Regulus.

"Where is your brother?" Regulus scoffed at her and nudged his head to the doors leading to the backyard. Emmaline sighed but couldn't help but feel guilty. "Over there, probably plotting how to escape and run to the Potters. Ever since second year he's been planning his getaway."

Perseus nudged her subtly, reassuring her that she would be fine to go seek him out. Thick saliva fills her mouth before swallowing hard. "Excuse me, then."

Emmaline set her empty cup down, going through the back doors that lead to the large backyard, filling the silence with loud conversation and music before it disappeared again when the doors creaked shut. Sirius looked behind him, spotting the young girl making her way to him.

"You shouldn't be out here; its cold and you'll freeze with that dress on," Sirius pointed out, turning back around, and putting out the cigarette in his mouth on the ground in front of him. Emmaline ignored his words and took a stand next to him, hugging herself close as the cold winter air was nipping at her skin. Sirius rolled his eyes at her stubbornness, shrugging off his jacket to give to her.

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