Chapter Six

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"Promise me you'll never leave my side

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"Promise me you'll never leave my side."

Severus was somewhat of an anomaly in his house.

Salazar Slytherin was one of four founding members for the school of witchcraft and wizardry. He was a pure-blood wizard that carefully selected the members of his own House.

The qualities of the students included being resourceful, determined, cunning and ambitious And while Severus fit himself into those categories, Salazar also selected his students according to their blood purity. Severus failed in being a pureblood wizard like his friends and housemates.

While Henry, Perseus and Regulus could claim their ancient bloodlines and prestigious family names, Severus could not. He was the son of a muggle-born witch and a muggle father who abandoned them long ago.

His friends had everything handed to them, even girls, as tradition. Despite Emmaline originally being assigned to Sirius, their Christmas break had changed it and now it was Regulus who had the honor of being with her. And while Henry and Regulus had a great relationship with Evelyn and Emmaline, it seemed to him that they took them for granted, complaining whenever Evelyn asked for a quiet dinner between her and Henry or a walk around the grounds was too much for Regulus to accommodate in his such busy schedule.

Severus knew if given the chance, he would worship the ground both of them walked. Bending over backwards and more for either of them but he knew that chance would never come. He was cursed to be reminded of his status every summer break when they all would come back from holiday and tell him about the fun all of them had together. A summer filled with great memories while he was stuck in his forsaken town with Lily Evans.

Lily Evans was the bane of his existence. He fell hard for the muggle born witch as she was the first one to show him kindness in their town. Lily showed her magic when they were younger. It scared the other kids away, including her sister Petunia, but it never scared him. He knew about magic and taught her everything he could before their first year at Hogwarts.

That's when he met James Potter. He was an arrogant eleven year old the first time they had met on the train ride to the school. When the sorting hat moved Lily to Gryffindor and Severus to Slytherin, he nearly cried seeing James attempt to speak to Lily again. It wasn't until the next day that Lily found Severus in the morning and complained about the obnoxious boy. Severus knew this must have annoyed James because later that month, the four notorious boys known as the marauders, began pranking Severus. A growing pain he had come to accept as Lily defended him and it pushed their friendship even further together and separated her from James.

It was like that for a long time until Severus began hanging out with the other Slytherins in his house.

Severus was unsure why Lily was okay with Henry Nott, Perseus Selwyn and Regulus Black. Maybe it was because she was on neutral territory with Evelyn Rosier and Emmaline Selwyn. But when Severus found himself without any of them, he grew friendlier to Jackson Avery and Philip Mulcibur and that is when the friendship between Lily and Severus began to strain itself.

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