Chapter Nine

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"I shine only with the light you gave me

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"I shine only with the light you gave me."

A week had passed since the conversation with Cassandra and now a week since the youngest Selwyn's arrived at Malcom's home. Emmaline had been unable to get a moment alone with Cassandra since Malcom's interruption that night. Her revelation about a special guest made her constantly think about who it could be.

Perseus did little to help her, he grew anxious with the disruption of being cooped up in a home he did not know. Just a day after their arrival, Malcom spoke with them and confirmed they would not be allowed back to Selwyn Manor until Christmas time.

Emmaline did not question him. After all, she still belonged to the Selwyn name, and after their father, Malcolm was the heir. His word was law in her eyes.

Perseus, however, began to pester him with questions, which, at first, Malcom did answer with some patience but patience was never something people knew him for and after three questions, he left without saying another word. Once he was out of the room, Emmaline bursted out in laughter when she glanced at the face her youngest brother made.

Now, after some letters were sent between her, Regulus and even Perseus, it was agreed that Regulus would come visit the home. And after another letter was sent by Malcom and Cassandra, ensuring the safety of Regulus, Walburga allowed him to travel for a week to visit his friend and girlfriend.

Despite the situation they found themselves in, it was a happy day for Emmaline now that things were moving along as they had originally planned.

The fireplace flared with green flames, and Regulus stepped through, brushing soot off his clothes. Emmaline's face lit up with excitement as she rushed forward to greet him, wrapping her arms around him tightly. Regulus responded with equal enthusiasm, holding her close, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off the ground for a moment.

"Em, I've missed you," he murmured into her hair.

"I've missed you too," Emmaline replied, her voice muffled into his shoulder and filled with relief and happiness. Her relief was cut short when she caught a glimpse of Malcom making his way over.

His usual stern expression softened for a moment as he greeted Regulus.

"Welcome, Regulus. It's good to see you."

Cassandra appeared behind Malcom, her aura, as always, warm and inviting. "Regulus, it's wonderful to have you here," she said, pulling him into a hug. Regulus didn't expect the physical gesture from her but accepted it, his cheeks red as he hugged her back politely.

"Thank you Mrs. Selwyn." he said, his cheeks still tainted red while he took a step back to stand next to Emmaline.

"Oh Merlin, do not call me that woman's name," Cassandra laughed, her whole body shaking as she held onto her husband's shoulder. Malcolm looked over to where she was holding onto him and gave a shake of his head, a ghost of a smile on his face. The action had both Emmaline and Regulus side glancing at each other briefly, focusing their gazes back onto them.

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