Chapter Two

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"You get me through every dark night"

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"You get me through every dark night"

Emmaline laid her head on the end of the cabin they sat in for the train ride back into the castle. The rest of the events that occurred after the end of the announcement were less than favorable.

However, her thoughts were intruded with Regulus rubbing her hand in a comforting way. She looked down at the hand holding hers and looked up to meet his stare, a part of her wishing a familiar set of grey eyes, but a steel gaze was set on her instead.

Emmaline felt helpless and hopeless with her new arrangement. She knew Regulus deserved better. Even when her plan originally came into light with Sirius, did he deserve better. At the end of the day, they all deserved better. The Black brothers, her friends, even after everything her brothers did, and didn't do, they deserved better.

Regulus' hands were soft. His fingers laced in between her own, the movement of his thumb the only movement he was conducting to acknowledge her in a public place. Unlike his brother, Regulus was reserved in front of certain individuals. Even with her, he had his moments where his shield was too high for her to attempt to take down. Her eyes wandered down to her other hand where her engagement ring sat. The ring was a family heirloom. Intricate with a gold band, the style was modest and elegant, the sapphire diamond sat in the middle of the band, soft white diamonds surrounding, creating a halo effect.

Emmaline loved the ring as it was a symbol of their enduring trust and loyalty to each other. The ring signified arrangements that came before them, and the ring will certainly be passed down to the heir of their family.

Despite the joy the ring brought her, her heart sat heavy in her chest. Emmaline sunk further into her seat, watching the scenery go by.

"Em, are you listening?" Severus snapped, pushing Emmaline out of her headspace. Her gaze moved from window to her friends. Henry, Evelyn, Perseus, and Regulus all had their eyes set on her as well.

"What did you say?" She asked. Serverus rolled his eyes at her. "I asked, are you going to do anything to Sirius if he makes his way to you? I'm surprised he hasn't already during this train ride."

"Probably because he knows I'd murder him on sight." She lazily responded, holding her mask high infront of them.

Emmaline knew what she was. She knew what her family was and she knew what her friends and their families were too. She noticed Regulus's lips quip up enough for her to see , but she's unsure if anyone else witnessed it before he went back to his stoic manner.

Evelyn giggled at her response, Henry shaking his head at her as well, dismissing her comment.

"I'd pay money to see you harm any of the Black brothers." Henry joked. Regulus turned his face to respond to the older boy. "I bet more money that Emmaline can and would if given the opportunity without facing the repercussions, you on the other hand, can duel me personally if she can't or hesitates against him." Regulus drawled out, his bored tone filling the empty space of the compartment.

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