Chapter Ten

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"Angel you call me

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"Angel you call me."

Emmaline stood at the foot of the stairs, her trunk packed and ready beside her. The house seemed to lose its homey feeling as Perseus and herself were leaving. The month and a half of their stay had expired, and Malcom granted both his siblings request to spend the last week of summer with their friends.

Emmaline, while excited to spend time with Evelyn before the summer ends, was upset to leave the sanctuary that was her brother and Cassandra.

This was the first summer in years where Emmaline didn't have to worry about Arthur coming to visit, nor avoiding her parents in fear of doing anything wrong for them to punish her. Despite being the perfect daughter for them, staying in her room, avoiding her friends and placing a distance between them to make sure there was no room for error, they always found something to punish her for. Sometimes, Emmaline wished they would just come out and say they enjoyed hurting their only daughter.

It had been 3 weeks since Regulus left from his week trip at Malcom's home. Perseus was excited to meet back up with him as if they hadn't been sending each other owls almost every day.

"Emmaline, are you sure you have everything?" Cassandra asked her. Emmaline turned her attention to where the voice came from. Cassandra's kind eyes scanned Emmaline with the look of maternal concern. It was something she had to get used to when she first arrived at their home. She wasn't used to someone looking at her that way.

"I've checked, and double-checked Cass. I think I am all set." She replied, making her way over, smiling and pulling her into a hug. Cassandra returned it with the same sentiment, rubbing a hand on Emmaline's back. During her stay at her home, Cassandra was more than just a sister-in-law for Emmaline. She was a comfort that provided her with happiness Emmaline only often found in her friends in Hogwarts.

"Take care, Em." She whispered. "And remember, I am just an owl away." Emmaline nodded, feeling a small lump form in her throat. To say Emmaline would miss her sister-in-law was an understatement. As she pulled away from her, her hazel eyes met the brown stare of her brothers.

Malcom stood tall and stoic. The perfect combination of their parents as his demeanor was stern. Nothing had changed between the two siblings after their conversation. Malcom went on the next day without mentioning anything and so Emmaline followed his lead, eager to always please her family, always putting their comfortability over hers.

"Bye, Malcom." She murmured, her voice low and cordial.

Malcom stared at her, his expression unreadable. "Behave yourself, Emmaline." He said, his words curt and devoid of warmth. Emmaline managed a tight smile, turning to find her toddling nephew beginning to make his way over to her. His steps were unsteady as he approached her, his hair falling wildly on his head. Emmaline's heart melted at the sight of him.

"Em! Em!" The two-year old exclaimed, his hands reaching up towards her.

"Finney," she cooed, scooping him up in her arms. He giggled and squirmed in her grasp, his infectious energy the opposite of his father.

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