Chapter Eleven

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"There's darkness in the distance from the way that I've been livin'

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"There's darkness in the distance from the way that I've been livin'."

A school reset was the favorite time of year for Emmaline. They had finished the rest of the summer break with no more odd interruptions. No dark lords coming to visit or dine with them. No more run-ins. All was well.

Emmaline and Evelyn had managed to secure a cabin towards the tail end of the train as they did every year—the chatter of families outside on the platform floating into the compartment through the cracked window slit.

Emmaline sat closest to the door, Evelyn sitting across from her and leaving the remaining space open for their friends. Both girls chattered amongst themselves, however in Emmaline's mind, her thoughts bounced from one thing to another as she fiddled with the hem of her skirt: Regulus, school, NEWTS, Remus.

She didn't want to think about Remus. But her heart was a separate entity from what her mind knew. And whatever her heart felt about, wandered into her brain like a child following a butterfly across the busy road. It was beautiful before it became dangerous.

The door to the cabin slid open, interrupting Evelyn's soap box. Regulus stepped in first. His eyes were cool and collected when they landed on Evelyn, before shifting to find Emmaline, his grey eyes lighting up at the sight. Henry came in next, his focus mimicking his friends towards his betrothed.

"Finally," Evelyn muttered while she moved towards the center of the seat, allowing Henry to sit across from Emmaline. Henry rolled his eyes at her attitude while taking a seat, sliding his arm over her shoulder, squeezing her tightly while pressing a kiss on the side of her head. "Sorry," he muttered against her forehead. He pulled back, not looking particularly apologetic. "First years being annoying."

Emmaline didn't move further down the seat, choosing to stay by the door, allowing Regulus to settle beside her. The door jittered again, opening to reveal Severus and Perseus. Severus pressed his lips in a smile, greeting them politely while Perseus shuffled in, he made no expression to anyone but Regulus, giving him a look Emmaline couldn't decipher. However, it appeared that Regulus knew what that look meant, and he gave him one as well.

The cabin was awkward as the two exchanged a silent conversation, Perseus sitting on the other side of Evelyn, and Severus taking a seat next to Regulus.

"So," Severus spoke, clearing his voice. "What did you two get up to over the summer?" He asked the girls.

Evelyn jumped into the conversation, a grin on her face. "Well I started in France and then Henry visited a lot. We visited each other a lot I should say. His family is the usual, you know? And then Emmaline and I spent the last week of summer together." she babbled excitedly to him.

"Sounds lovely," Severus replied. His tone was nice enough, but Emmaline could see his eyes betraying him; envy filling them to the brim.

"And Perseus and I spent the majority of it at Malcoms. Though, nothing eventful happened with us, right Percy?" Emmaline interjected, bringing her brother into her focus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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