Chapter Five

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"I would rather drown, right about now

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"I would rather drown, right about now."

Classes were never something Emmaline enjoyed. She was the type of student who didn't study but received impeccable grades in her classes. A feat that all her friends despised from her.

As luck would have it, the end of the year was vastly approaching, and for the first time, Emmaline was studying in the library for the O.W.L's.

Emmaline knew she would never hear the end of it, but the way she felt regarding Arithmancy was enough to send her into her academic death.

Henry was the one to spot her in the library. He slyly made his way over. His eyes skimmed the books around her, all of them ranging from Numerology in Latin, to New Theory of Numerology. Tentatively, he approached her, setting his own books across from her.

"Hey.." He hesitated with his approach. Emmaline looked up at him, her eyes crusted, the whites of them littered with faint red tint.

"Henry!" Emmaline giggled, her eyes fluttering closed with a loopy smile. He chuckled at her and took a seat across, moving some of her books out of the way.

"You look like you haven't slept in days," By the sound of his voice and the look on his face, it seems as if he knows the feeling as well.

"I don't think you would be wrong in that statement." Emmaline confessed, looking back down at her parchment paper, continuing her notes to register the lesson that was taught.

It was a tedious method, rewriting the notes that were scribbled down in class, only to redo them in a more clean matter but it was the way Emmaline's mind worked. If she didn't do this, her exams would be based on a whisp of memory. However, she wanted to be more than just a wife whose exams meant nothing during her school years. She wanted to be a healer, whether she came back to Hogwarts or assisted at St. Mungo's, she wanted to help people recover what ever illness or injury they've encountered.

"You shouldn't push yourself so hard, its just OWLS. You don't even need Arithmancy in general." Henry said, his hands grabbing onto a quill that was on the table, his fingers fiddling with the feather.

Emmaline sighed, feeling the weight sink further down into her. Henry would never understand the pressure she placed on herself, much less the pressure that her family placed on her.

"Regardless, I can't afford to fall behind."

Emmaline watched as Henry analyzed her. "You have friends who are willing to help Em."

She shook her head, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. "And who would that be, exactly? The ghosts haunting the Restricted Section?" She retorted, her tone laced with bitterness.

Henry barked out a laugh at her comment. The noise brought attention over to their table, causing Emmaline's cheeks to flush a bright red at the attention. One of the students even shushed them before abruptly turning back around when they met Henry's stare, turning themselves away from him and Emmaline.

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