Chapter Seven

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Under the sprawling canopy of an ancient oak tree, the air hummed with the newly won freedom of summer break. The sky was a perfect canvas of blue, unmarred by clouds, and the sun bathed the Hogwarts grounds in a warm, golden light. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves, sending dappled shadows dancing across the soft grass where Emmaline and Evelyn lay, their robes discarded beside them as they soaked up the rare spell of sunshine.

Emmaline rolled onto her back, her long black hair fanning out like a dark halo. She let out a contented sigh, stretching her arms above her head and feeling the warm earth beneath her fingers. "I can't believe it's finally over," she said, her voice a mix of relief and joy.

Evelyn, propped up on one elbow beside her, grinned and swatted a stray bug off her friend's forehead. "I know! I thought those exams would never end. Especially that Potions final. I swear Slughorn is trying to kill us."

Emmaline giggled, her colored eyes sparkling. "Tell me about it. I thought I was going to melt into my cauldron. But it's done now, and we have the whole summer ahead of us."

Evelyn nodded, her blonde hair catching the light as she shifted. "What are you planning to do? Anything exciting?"

Emmaline shrugged. The question was innocent enough. Evelyn knew home life wasn't easy, it never really was for everyone, but she didn't know the extent of what Emmaline lives through at the Selwyn Manor. "Not sure yet. What about you?"

Evelyn's expression turned thoughtful. "Same, I suppose. My parents are planning some big gathering. You know how they are."

Emmaline nodded knowingly. "Pureblood social events. Always so... proper."

Evelyn rolled her eyes dramatically. "If I have to hear another conversation about the sanctity of bloodlines, I might just hex myself."

They both laughed, the sound carrying on the wind and mingling with the distant chatter of other students enjoying their first day of no classes or exams.

"So," she began, a teasing note in her voice, "have you seen Regulus lately?"

Emmaline's cheeks flushed slightly, and she tried to mask it by brushing an invisible speck of dirt from her skirt. "Maybe," she said evasively.

Evelyn's grin widened. "Oh, come on, don't play coy. Spill. How are things with you two?"

Emmaline sighed, unable to hide her smile. "Alright, fine. We've been... talking more. He's sweet. In his own, brooding way."

Evelyn's squealed in excitement. "I knew it! He has that whole mysterious, tortured soul thing going on. It's kind of irresistible."

Emmaline giggled, shaking her head. "He's not as mysterious as he wants everyone to think. Once you get to know him, he's just... Reggie."

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