Vol. 1 Ch. 8 The Battle At The Docks

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Your POV

Amidst the chirping of crickets and darkness of night, Blake and I were laying flat on our stomachs on a rooftop overlooking the shipment of Schnee Dust containers. I heard Sun speak up as he joined us and said, "Did I miss anything?" Looking up as Sun dropped down to her right, Blake replied, "Not really. They've offloaded the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there." He responded and said, "Cool. I stole you some food!" Blake and I both gave Sun a questioning look as Blake said, "Do you always break the law without giving a second thought?" Countering defensively, Sun replied, "Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?" Blake delivered an angry glare at him and said, "Okay, too soon!"

Just as he said that, the winds began to blow all around us, and the three of us looked up to see a Bullhead's searchlights flashing around for a landing spot, descending in the middle of the cargo containers and extending a ramp for a black hooded individual with a metallic fanged mask to come out of. Blake said, "Oh no..." Then I said, "I have a very bad feeling about this." Sun asked, "Is that them?" Blake stared at the bloody wolf on the back of the man's outfit and said, "Yes... It's them." The White Fang Soldier motioned with his rifle to the other White Fang members coming from the aircraft, as he said, "All right, grab the tow cables!" Sun looked at Blake and said, "You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?" Blake stared sadly at the scene and replied, "No. I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right." Two more Bullheads were hovering above the heist. I looked up at the bullheads with shock, this could be a lot harder then I had anticipated.

Suddenly a large explosion drew my attention back to the ground below, where Blake was thrown back by Roman. Blake, dazed but relatively unhurt on the ground, quickly rolled and ram out of the way of Roman's continued attacks, flaming missiles destroying cargo behind her as she retreats behind more containers. Roman started to slowly approach Blake, saying, "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty..." Then I yelled out, "Hey, Torchwick!" He looked up at me and said, "You again?!" He then fired an explosive Dust round at me with his cane, making me decide that I might as well use my Sonic Screwdriver's Upgrade now. I pointed it at the Dust round coming towards me and shot out a sonic burst from the end of it, causing the Dust round to explode in mid-air before it could reach me. As the smoke began to dissipate, I hoped down from the rooftop I was on, doing a tuck and roll as I landed on the ground and I took cover behind a nearby shipping container. Thinking ahead of the current situation, I pointed my Sonic at nearby spot on the ground and used it to set the TARDIS destination to that spot. Once my Sonic confirmed that TARDIS was locked on to the coordinates, I used my Sonic to begin the TARDIS's dematerialization process. I smirked to myself as I then jumped back into the fight and started fighting the other members of the White Fang.

Using my Gallifreyan hand-to-hand combat skills, I managed to stand my ground as I fought multiple White Fang members with ease. I spun around and kicked two more members in the chest, sending them to the ground in pain. I ducked under another attack from a White Fang soldier, and I dealt a fast jab to the soldier's nose, stunning him. I quickly disarmed the soldier, grabbed his shirt, and said, "Sun! Heads up!" Then I threw the soldier over to Sun, who smiled as he flipped and kicked the soldier down to the ground. He then did another flip, kicking the soldier over to Roman, making him duck out the way in order to not get hit. The crime boss growled in annoyance and aimed his cane at Sun, firing a shot that I blocked by jumping in front of the monkey faunus, and deflecting the shot with a sonic burst, exploding it in mid-air. Blake became a blur of afterimages as she slashed both of her blades at Roman, who backed away and deflected each would-be blow with his cane at unbelievable speeds. Blake continued to dash, hop over, and slide around Roman to try and find a weak spot, but her enemy, while barely deflecting the attacks, landed a few hits on Blake until one final beating with his cane caused her to go down.

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