Vol. 2 Ch. 15 Mission At Mountain Glenn

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Your POV

I woke up with Weiss' head on my bare chest. I kissed her forehead and said, "Hey, Snowflake, time to get up." She slowly opened her eyes, yawned, and looked up at me. I looked into her beautiful light blue eyes and said, "Good morning, Snowflake." She rolled her eyes and said, "Good morning, Y/N." I smiled and said, "So how did you sleep?" She smiled and replied, "Honestly, better than I've ever slept before. I guess it's probably because I know that you'd protect me no matter what."

I gave her a quick peck on the lips and said, "I do tend to have that effect on people at times." She kissed me on the lips and we both shared another wonderful and passionate kiss. When we pulled away, she said, "I think I should head back to my dorm and get ready for today." I nodded and began to lead her back to the main console room as I said, "I don't think we'll see each other until after your team's mission. So be safe, and I love you." She smiled and said, "I love you too, Y/N."

When we reached the console room, she gave me one last peck on the lips before she turned and exited the TARDIS. I watched her on the Scanner as she made her way to the door and left my dorm. Once she was gone, I rushed back to the bedroom, got dressed in my usual outfit, then transported the TARDIS into Ozpin's office. When it landed, I saw that Ruby was already there talking with Glynda, Ironwood, and Ozpin about an apparent assault at the CCT Tower.

I waited until Ruby left before I exited the TARDIS and approached the others. As I approached them, Ironwood was the first to speak as he said, "Ah, Nightingale. Ms. Rose was just telling us about what happened last night and about how you helped out."

I raised an eyebrow and said, "Huh? Last night? What do you mean? I spent the entire night dancing with Weiss. So where exactly did I help Ruby?" Ironwood replied and said, "You helped Ms. Rose fight the perpetrator last night at the CCT Tower. I did notice that you weren't wearing the same outfit that you were wearing at the dance. I thought it was rather odd, but I didn't question it at the time."

I nodded and said, "I see. Well, if that's the case, then I haven't done it yet. I guess I'll do that when I'm done here. I'm actually here for a completely different and more troubling reason." I them began explaining what I had discovered last night on the TARDIS's long range scanners, what all of those different lifeforms were after, and what it could potentially mean for the future of the universe.

When I finished my explanation, I turned to the General and said, "And I know you're thinking about forming a group of your soldiers to defend Mountain Glenn, General. But I must tell you that if you do that, you'll more than likely be sending all of those men to death." Ironwood was hesitant but still nodded in agreement as he realized that I knew what I was talking about.

I turned to Ozpin and Glynda as I continued and said, "From what I overheard with your discussion with Ruby, whatever team you send to Mountain Glenn should be fine. But don't mention the whole approaching fleet of aliens to them. Leave that to me. After all, I've fought all of them before. Trust me."

Ozpin nodded and said, "Very well then. We will leave it to you, Nightingale. And thank you for informing us about this." I nodded and said, "Don't mention it. Well, I'd better get going. I got to grab a couple things from various places in the TARDIS. And I should also travel back to last night to help Ruby. After that, I'll head to Mountain Glenn." They all nodded and I headed back into the TARDIS.

Weiss' POV

When Ruby got back to the dorm, she told us about what she told Professor Ozpin, General Ironwood, and Professor Goodwitch. Then she turned to me and said, "Oh, and Weiss, I hope you weren't waiting on Nightingale for too long last night." I looked at her confused and said, "What do you mean?" Ruby replied and said, "He was with me when I entered the CCT Tower last night."

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