Chapter 3: Building Five

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I made my escape from that insufferable woman and her ramblings. My footsteps echoed off the pavement with each rushed step down the staircase. I had reached my cars trunk when I popped it open and looked over the contents within.

My backpack that held many of the smaller objects I needed for the hunt had shifted and been tossed about the trunk and leaned against the relic of an air conditioner that I had taken off Alina's hands as a housewarming gift. Last was a rolled up sleeping bag, my improvised bed to get through the first night here.

It won't be comfortable, but I can link the doors between here and my room back at Alina's house. Until then, it's an hour plus drive each way and gasoline is expensive.

In my approach to the building, I stared at the windows that lined the structure. The white framed vinyl windows complimented the bricks and trim. In my scan of the building, I noticed an old greyed six paneled window that stuck out like a sore on the spotless facade.

"New windows are expensive too." I looked to the ground while cursing.

Another expense to add to the renovation costs. I thought the souls I cashed in would cover it. Gonna hope I don't have to sell the rest to flip this place.

With each step towards the building, a cacophony of hums grew. Stemming from the air conditioners in wall sleeves and windows. I closed in on the steps that lead to the front door, a golden five screwed into place to confirm I had found the right place. I picked up my pace as a smile formed on my face.

Time to damn you to hell, Alexander!

I climbed the stairs and pulled out the keyring Moira gave me and looked at the five keys. The mailbox key was easy to eliminate since it was too small for the lock. I looked to four that remained when a woman's voice called out.

"Hey! Are you the guy who bought the haunted place?" I turned to see a woman wave at me. Instead of acknowledging her, I glanced back at the keys. In a split second decision, I tried the gold colored key only for it to get stuck a quarter of the way into the lock.

Ok, three to go. One of these will get me in and away from this woman.

"I'm talking to you!" Her tone implied she wouldn't give up so easily. Casting another glance back to the driveway, I saw that her tied-back, brown hair swayed with her rushed steps toward me. Time was running out until interaction would be unavoidable.

Three keys—one with a wide head, another with windows designed in it, and one with a triangle logo. In my second attempt, I tried the wide headed key only to fail again.

Ok, fifty-fifty, which one do I use?

The encroaching footsteps had reached the concrete staircase I had climbed a minute earlier. With all my hopes put into the windowed key, I put it in the lock.

Only for it to fail.

"Use the silver key with the triangle logo on it," she said when I turned to see the woman standing on the final stair before the landing. She leaned against the bricks, basking in the late afternoon sun that had taken on a golden hue.

Following her advice, I tried the last key. It fit easily.

The door opened.

"Thanks," I said and took a step into the building. Before I could shut the door, she called out to me.

"Wait!" Her voice sounded more nervous than annoyed. I let out an exasperated sigh, setting the sleeping bag and backpack against the interior wall of the building. Stepping out of the doorway and onto the landing, I held the door open and stared into her amber eyes. They hinted at her sudden nervousness.

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