Chapter 9: Or a Demon?

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The living room had entered a new period of silence after Sean and Cassie's arguing came to a head. The two now sulked as I held Cassie to comfort her. Sean had taken his seat across from us and refused to look in our direction.

I mean, Sean had a point when he told Cassie that she can't trust me. Of course, Cassie didn't take that well. Though it was fun to watch him get roasted for his past relationships. I am curious what Cassie walked into with Sean and Rachel. Must have been something fun for him to freak out and remind her she swore to never speak of it.

A notification sound came from Sean's phone. He rose from the chair and moved towards the front door until he went out of view.

"Finally." He said, as he reached the intercom by the entrance to their place. A faint buzzing sound came from outside the condo. A door clicked open followed by faint footsteps making their way up the stairs.

Well, time to meet the acting leader of this pack. If Sean and cassie are anything to go off of, she might not be that much of a threat. For now, I just need to see if the pheromones will work on her. Then it's just running out the clock till she's like Cassie. Otherwise I win with my unstoppable speaking skills.

The door opened when Sean spoke. 

"Ok, something is wrong with Cassie and-" Sean went quiet. The sound of their footsteps approached when a woman appeared. Her long brown, sun kissed hair swayed gently. Amber eyes looked both me and Cassie over in our embrace. Her face gave away nothing. 

"Hey there!" I said, my tone cheery to match the energetic wave I gave Marissa. With no reaction to my greeting, she faced Sean. Before he could speak, she walked away and the sound of the front door caught my ears. A slam and footsteps fading away followed it.

Did I fail? Maybe this is her game? For now, stay calm and see what she does next.

Sean stood there trying to process the encounter that had just played out. He turned and made his way to the door when his phone ringtone played out.

"Why did you leave?" Sean went quiet as nodded to whatever Marissa told him. "Ok, I can do that." Sean turned back to us, clicked on his phone screen, and set the phone on the table between us. I looked at the screen and saw Marissa's name as the call time counted upwards. 

"Its clear being around you is a bad idea. That said, this is conversation will happen from a distance... for us all." The calm voice said. The lot of us stared at the phone when a sigh came from it. "Sean, take Cassie to the house. Once you have my all clear, you can come back." Marissa's words were like her demeanor in the short time I saw her. Calm and never giving away what she was feeling. 

Marissa figured out how I work pretty quick. She might know something about me, but I know some things about her thanks to Cassie.

"What? Why do I need to leave?" Cassie asked. Her grip on me tightened as Sean stepped towards us. "Why can't I just help Vincent with this?" She turned to me. "We can do this! I just know it!" Tears welled up in her eyes as I caressed the side of her face. Her head leaned towards my hand as it had before.

"Cassie," I said her name softly, her eyes glancing at me. "I think it's best you listen to her." Surprise made her smile vanish. "I can get this set, then we can figure out a few things after that." a nervous breath left me as my face flushed. "Like us." Her glassy eyes lit up, and she leaned in towards me.

Nope, not kissing her. I got a rule on it for a reason, and she is not one of my exceptions.

I blocked her lips with my hand, her eyes opened; she looked at me with disappointment. I turned to Sean and tilted my head towards Cassie to signal he needed to take her and go.

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