Chapter 8: An Angel...

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"What the hell are you?" Sean watched as I let the silence take over the room with his demand. The smile on my face had left me unreadable to Sean as he stared me down. I raised my hands and brought them together. The single clap shattered the silence and made Sean flinch.

"Let's make a game of it! Take a seat, both of you." Cassie met my invitation without hesitation and took a seat on the couch. She then inched her way towards me until our bodies nearly touched. I flashed her a smile that became a grin when I turned to Sean, who only watched in bewilderment at Cassie's behavior. "Well, c'mon, Sean." A sigh escaped him. He relented and sunk into the chair across from us.

Greta gave me a heads up on what they are. For now, I have Cassie on my side. Maybe we can work out a deal before I lose that—These pheromones will only work on Cassie for so long.

"So let's touch on you both being werewolves-" Sean gritted his teeth before he went off on Cassie.

"Did you tell him?" Cassie shook her head at his accusation. She leaned forward, her eyes narrowed. As she was about to retort, I set my hand on her shoulder. Her face eased as she looked at me.

"I got this." I said, when she leaned back. "Actually, I figured it out after she left." Sean watched me for a moment. His nod told me I hadn't given away too much.

Not a lie, I'm just leaving out part of the answer. Technical truths are going to have to make me look more dangerous than I am. If Sean realizes I'm weaker than him, it'll end badly.

"Anyway, enough about you two. This is supposed to be about me, so why don't we start?" My dismissive tone left Sean silent when I leaned towards Cassie. "Ready to learn more about me?" My teasing made her smile.

"Yes!" The enthusiasm in her answer made Sean shake his head as he muttered something to make Cassie lower her eyebrows at him.

I think I have Sean's go ahead.

 "What do I smell like to both of you?" I asked when Cassie spoke first.

"Like Sandalwood and Amber! It's just the perfect amount of each and it's heavenly!" Cassie threw her arms around me and pulled me in. As she pressed my body against hers, I heard her take in a deep breath through her nose, followed by a chuckle.

Do I need to implement strip club rules with her? Look but don't touch? It's not my fault the pheromones smell like your favorite fragrance to pull you in. 

"You smell like sweat to me," Sean's tone was flat as he gave his answer. 

Noted, I have no impact on Sean, I can't just run out the clock with him. Looks like it's intimidation tactics then.

"So here's what I do; I hunt the souls of the dammed and devour them. The squatter in my condo was today's catch. I think it makes up for forty-one years of unpaid rent." Sean's eyebrows raised in concern as I continued, his face hiding nothing as the dots connected in his head.

"You're-" I held my hand up and eyes went radiant silver. Sean went silent when a twisted smile formed on my face. 

"Sure, I could have made it quick. Just stab him in the throat and then the chest a few times to break him." I watched Sean as he gripped onto the arms of the chair. His hands shook just enough for me to see, making my smile grow as I looked back into his eyes.

Here I thought werewolves would be tougher to scare. Then again, Cassie was pretty freaked out by the ghost.

"But I thought this guy, this fucker, used to attack women and bash their skulls to bits, but not before doing all these unforgivable things to them. So why not fuck him up a bit?" I turned to Cassie. "Make the bad ones experience what they put their put their victims through. It makes sense, right?" I asked when Cassie spoke first.

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