Chapter 12: Sammy's Investigation

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The door slammed shut. Vincent and Sean's muffled conversation came from the hallway outside. After a few moments, their conversation moved away from the door and faded until they had made it outside.

Finally, some peace.

Nico spoke and ruined my moment of respite. "So, are we gonna go?" Before I could answer, another voice chimed in from the condo's entrance.

"Are you both ready?" I pocketed my phone and moved towards the opening for the entrance hallway to see Greta's upper body leaning through the front door. Our gazes locked, and she smiled nervously at my devoid stare.

"Greta, we just need a minute, then we'll be with you." I said evenly when her shoulders drooped in disappointment as she pulled herself back outside the condo. With her addressed, I ventured back into the kitchen.

"Ok, I'll be out here." Greta said muffled by the door as I crossed through the kitchen and approached my forced companion.

With everything I've witnessed from this man, a reminder may be for the best.

"Can you hear me?" I asked in a whisper. Nico gave a nod. "Remember, she can't know we're going to kill Harold. Let me handle her questions about how we're going to scare him off." With another nod, I waved him to follow me. I opened the door to see Greta standing just outside the door.

Her face perked up. "So, how are we doing this?" The elderly ghost asked me. I passed through her, then waved for her to follow as I began my descent down the stairs.

While the humans living in the building can't hear her, it could draw suspicion if they could only hear two-thirds the conversation.

With each creak on the carpeted staircase, I made my way towards a door with a tiled landing while the two with me conversed.

"Why isn't he saying anything? I thought he was supposed to help me?" I paused my descent and let out a sigh as the pair did exactly what I hoped to avoid.

Before I could advise her, Nico replied. "I mean, he doesn't talk very much and so far he's spent most of the time I've been with him on his phone."

Greta sucked her teeth. "The kids today are all addicted to those things and the internet. It's sad." I shook my head and let out another sigh.

It seems Vincent got the better deal for company after all.

I turned to Nico and Greta and looked up the staircase. "Be quiet until we're away from people." I resumed my trek down the stairs, then made my way to the next staircase leading to the basement. I sped up my pace and reached the door leading back to the storage units.

Let's check for people.

Crossing the threshold, I stepped onto the cracked concrete floor. My eyes went from their hazel brown to emerald green as the room's colors changed and I glanced towards the storage units.

No one is in here. I have about ten seconds of peace until they reach me.

I took a breath in. Despite the stagnant air hitting my nostrils, I exhaled and felt some peace.

"Let's do this." I said to myself when the sound of Nico's steps drew near and the door opened. The two entered and made their way towards me. "We should be free to speak now. Greta, can you tell us what you know about Harold?"

Her face soured as her lips curled in anger. "That man, if you can even call him that!" She mumbled under her breath, then huffed.

This is going to be pleasant. Let's see if I can direct her into being helpful.

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