Chapter 5: Count To Ten

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A/N: Please note this is a violent chapter! The first of many! 

"Get the hell out! This is my home!" He demanded as he grit his teeth and stared the two of us down.

I sneered at Alexander's demand and his false claim on my property. "Your home?" I followed my question with a tilt of my head. "Alex, I know you're a shut in and all but this is my place now. So why don't you leave?" A shrug followed my statement. 

"I was here first!" He roared, his frame vibrating with rage as he reached his limit. His yelling intensified as he screamed for me to leave. "Fine! I'll make you leave!" His skin paled--the bags under his eyes darkened and his face sunk in. The man's new appearance was completed when dark liquid began to leak from the sides of his head and drip onto the floor. He had finally entered the aggravated state.

"What do we do?" Cassie asked in a panic as she grabbed onto my arm and I felt her shake at the presence before us. 

Well, I got what I wanted, let's help the bystander escape.

"Oh, I got this." I said, before making a request. "Can I have my arm back?" She released her grip on me. With my arm free, I flicked open the pocketknife--the blade clicking into place. I took a step forward and watched as Alex bared his teeth at me.

I can't wait to break him. That look of defiance is the first thing that'll go. Prey that's convinced itself of being a predator is my favorite to hunt. The face he's gonna make when he realizes his place will be glorious.

I closed the gap between us.

"Get out! Get out or die!" He said when a smirk formed on my face.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I stood before Alexander, my grin and smug demeanor grating on his last nerve. His response lacked words. His arm went back as he lunged forward with his fist quickly approaching my face. 

"Get-" He went silent as I slipped the punch and grabbed onto his wrist with my free hand. His body was wide open and I stabbed the knife into his bloated gut. His eyes widened as the ghost struggled to process the situation he was now in. His body quaked and his breathing quickened. The world he had been accustomed to, the world that could never hurt him was now gone. Fear and pain took its place--and he's only been introduced to this new world.

Don't look at him yet. Let his fear overwhelm him.

"W-What...?" was all he uttered between panicked breaths as I moved my free hand from his shoulder, gripped the back of his head, and held onto the grassy strands of hair that completed his disgusting visage. With my grip secure, I slowly raised my head until our eyes met. His eyes showed all the fear I was craving as my irises went silver, my expression was neutral while his composure shattered.

"What are you?" He asked in terror, a smile spread across my face, a smile I'd been holding back since leaving for this place. The same one I had to hide from Moira and Cassie.

Though I suppose I don't have to hide what I am from Cassie anymore.

"Something much scarier than you." I said, as I twisted the knife further in before ripping it out of him. I released my grip on him, watching as he stepped back to look down at his injury. Alexander touched the stab wound and raised his trembling hands to face level to look at the dark liquid that coated them.

His blood. 

Alexander had been preoccupied, too distracted with the sight of his own blood to notice my approach.

"Yeah, so you guys bleed this dark shit. No idea why, but it splatters just like your blood did when you were alive." He sucked in air at the surprise of me. "Only thing. It doesn't taste and smell as sweet as the red stuff." Terror filled his expression when I reached my hand to his face and tapped his cheek.

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