Chapter 4: Unit Thirty-Seven

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Cassie and I shared a glance with one another before my focus went back to the letter.

To the new owners.

Someone technically addressed the letter to me, let's see what it says.

To free up my hands, I placed the air conditioner down and approached the door. I pulled the envelope free when a part of the envelope connected to the door by tape tore off and dangled in place.

"Cassie, you want a look, too?" I asked. Silence was my only answer. In response, I faced her. Cassie stood frozen in place with a look of terror as her eyes remained on the door to my unit. "Cassie, you ok?" I reached out and took her hand.

A gasp escaped her when she spoke. "Oh, sorry it's just..." Her downward glance caught sight of my hand clasped around her's, resulting in our current silence.

If she's shutting down now, she could be a liability in there with Alexander. Whatever she is, she seems sensitive to ghosts, or maybe it's something about the ghost?

"Are you scared of the ghost?" My thumb rubbed against Cassie's hand and brought her comfort as she thought about my question. Her focus again went towards the door of my condo, before leaning towards me.

"Can I tell you something about myself? We have to keep it between us?" Her grip had tightened on me as she spoke in hushed whispers. I only smiled back. Her grip on me eased, she had made an assumption. One that worked in my favor.

Like hell I'm saying anything. She'll hear the lie. Smile, nod, and add a sweet word here and there. I'll let her come to her own conclusions.

"So in my family, we can sense things better than most people. Its especially strong for me and my twin brother, Sean." Her nerves frayed as she pulled my hand towards herself. Her free hand then went over our laced fingers. "Promise me you won't think I'm crazy for what I'm about to say." I set the folded letter on the air conditioner and my remaining hand over hers when her expression eased.

"I promise, I'll hear what you have to say." I said, a promise that differed from what Cassie asked for. She failed to notice.

"I can feel him, the ghost that haunts this place. Everything in me is screaming that he only wants to hurt anyone who would go in there. We knew someone bought the place and were worried Alexander might do something... I just don't want you or anyone else to get hurt... or worse." Her eyes pleaded with me to believe her and not call her crazy. To listen and get out.

Alright, I can give her a little info about myself. It might help her stay calm.

"I believe you. I'll tell you something about myself as well." Her face eased in relief. I hadn't dismissed her fears. "I won't go into too much detail, but my job is to hunt the bad things so they go where they belong. It's part of why we bought the place." I looked away from her for a moment, then brought my gaze back to hers. "Hope you don't think I'm crazy either." An embarrassed smile formed as I mimicked her earlier concerns.

She could be useful, but she could be in danger in a condo with a ghost who targeted young women like her. I need to word this carefully so she can choose for herself. If she takes the out, I go back to my original plan.

"Cassie, I want you to be honest when you answer me." My face took on a grave expression. "If you lie to me, I'll never forgive you or speak to you again, got it?" I pulled my hands from hers. "Do you want to help me stop him? If not, head home and I'll visit you after this is done. You just have to tell me what you want." She gave a response without hesitation.

"Yes, I'll help you, but you have to promise to help me with something after this." She held out her hand.

"Sounds like a deal." I shook her hand. Our agreement finalized.

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