Chapter 10: Terms And Conditions

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Morning had come as I laid on a floral couch that matched the tacky amalgamation of decor that formed a living room. Greta had once again made small talk as she sat in her reading chair by the window of her condo. I tuned her out and nodded along to her chatter.

God, I saw the spare key hanging on the rack back at Cassie's place and thought; This would be better than sleeping on the dusty floor of my condo. Whatever, I got some more info out of her and got a semi-decent night's sleep here.

I looked at my phone screen and the message Samara had sent me last night.


-Good news, she reached out. Let you know in the morning what the situation is. ALSO we have a little chat tomorrow.


-It'll be fine, talk later!

I stared at the screen for the hundredth time, praying that Samara would text me an update. A notification appeared at the top of my screen. My eyes focused on it.


-Action needed on your account to receive an order! Please click on the link below!

Finally, I can get back to my room back at Alina's place, cause this couch looks like the seventies and a kaleidoscope hate fucked to spawn this floral abomination.

"Hey Greta, something come up. I have to go." I had interrupted her and ended a conversation that the world could live without. "Don't worry, I should be back soon with some help, then we can scare Harold off!"

I swiped the key tagged with Greta's name and unit number with one hand, while I opened the notification on my phone with the other. I reached the door and exited back into the hallway. Despite Greta's ability to pass through it, the false barrier between us put me at ease as I sighed in relief and looked at my screen.


-Please take a photo, then mark within the photograph where you would like your orders to be delivered.

Easy enough.

Stepping back inside my condo, I stood in the entrance hallway as I focused my phone on the corner of the living room next to the bedroom hallway. My phone snapped the photo as a flash went off. With my photo taken, I added an X onto the picture and pressed continue.


-Establishing connection...

A check mark appeared on the screen when a new message appeared.

-In confirming this location, the customer agrees that utilization of our Instant Arrive service is not liable for any injuries caused from negligent or deliberate placement of the drop zone for all items ordered and sent through our service.

Yeah, yeah. Can't blame Instant if I buy an anvil and try to live out some fucked up looney tunes fantasies of mine.

I clicked the agreement and watched as an ordinary cardboard box appeared in the space. Opening it revealed an ornate black ring box. The pristine package contrasted with the decrepit space around it.

Ok, let's get home, but what door should I link this to?

I ventured towards the bedrooms when my phone beeped three times.


-I had the one you need to get home sent there while the rest are waiting in your room. Sammy has the other one prepped for you.

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