Chapter 1: The Ghost

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A/N: Warning reference to Sexual Assault, Murder, and Suicide!

Part 1: Ghosts 'N' Stuff

Part 1: Ghosts 'N' Stuff

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"Vincent, how long do you think this hunt will be?" Sammy asked as he sat across from me, buried in his phone, reading messages from his followers. His legs dangled over the chair side as he awaited my answer.

"Depends," I replied, looking down to the scattered mess of microfiche scans, photos, and police reports spread throughout my side of the coffee table. "He could make this easy." I said, turning back to Sammy when he spoke.

"They never do. Though you just love the buildup to the confrontation." I smirked at his answer, thoughts of my plan for my target playing through my mind as I leaned back on the couch.

"Yeah, of course I got a plan to piss him off and get him to come to me." Sammy nodded, still undeterred from his phone screen as the clicks and clacks echoed throughout the living room. His fingers froze. The room went silent.

"Wait," His head turned towards me. I had caught his curiosity. "This is the ghost in the condo that Cami bought for you? Right?" He asked when the sound of his typing occupied the awkward silence between us. 

Why does he have to say it like that?

"She's buying the place." My hand tightened and shook in anger as I continued. "But." I paused, letting out a small chuckle. "I'm going to buy the place off her one day." With my correction, he looked at me, his lips perking up.

"Between Cami's patience and our abundance of time, I suppose that works." His sarcastic words made my eyes narrow and lips tighten.

"Listen here Sammy, I'm trying to invest in my best life, or at least that's how Cami sold me on this!" I said in defense of myself as I threw my hands up. "Okay?" I watched him, waiting for a response.

"Alright then." Those two indifferent words hit hard enough to make me look down at my files, resting on the table letting out a growl. My eyes shot back up to his. 

"I'm going back to school in the fall and I'm using the rest of the summer to fix the damn condo up." My irritation hitting a peak, I watched Sammy. More typing followed a faint movement of his head.

Was that a subconscious nod to me? Or directed at whoever he was replying to? 

His minimal attention had made my blood boil as I stared him down and let out a frustrated sigh. Sammy's eyes darted to me a moment before returning to his screen.

"How many days has it been since your last kill? You seem a little on edge." Sammy paused and watched me. "Do I need to crate you until you head to the condo?" Positioning himself upright in his chair. Sammy set his precious phone down and fixed his slicked back hair to give me his full attention.

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