Marc - 16

529 13 0

Trigger Warnings:
Rude language
Violence and blood (Reader in need of medical assistance)
Substance use (Drunk/intoxicated people/takes place at bar)
Persuasive, rude, and abusive date/bf

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The bar. You went out to a shitty bar with someone you had been on a few dates with before. You weren't sure about this guy, he had been rude, loud, aggressive, and was pushing your buttons and boundaries all night. You had a few drinks but not enough to make you drunk. You knew that it probably wasn't a good idea for you to drive even if you felt fine. You asked Chase, the man you were currently on a date with if you could leave as you were starting to feel sick, and wanted to go home. He of course made you wait until he decided he wanted to leave. By then you were in the corner of the bar sipping on a water to try and get rid of your monster headache. He takes you to his car and you sit in the front. It wasn't until you started to look out the window that you realized you didn't recognize where you were "Hey Chase? Where are we goin'?" You asked quietly and tiredly. He looked over "my place, why?" He sounded annoyed that you even asked. "Oh, uh I'm sorry when I said I wanted to go home I mean back to my place...not yours" you said awkwardly. "My place, your place? What's the difference, we will be doing the same thing either way" he said looking at the road. You sit up a little sluggish. " I wanted to just go home and sleep, could you please take me home?" You asked again this time directly. He rolled his eyes "look do you wanna be with me or not?" He asked angrily. You looked over confused "I...I don't know, you've kinda been acting like a dick all night, so  no not really" you felt him slam on his breaks and your head hit the seat really hard and you groaned. "What the fuck did you just call me you bitch?" You looked at him "I said you're a Dick!" You knew it was stupid to challenge him but you had a bit to drink and felt confident enough to handle yourself. That didn't last very long when you felt your body hit the dashboard from the force of this man slapping you hard enough to draw blood. "Get out." He said. You looked scared but grabbed your purse and got out quickly and watched as he drove off. You sighed and quickly but shakily grabbed your phone. You haven't talked to Marc in over three months. But you knew if anyone would come when you called it would be him. You didn't think anyone else would pick you up right now.

You quickly dialed and waited for it to ring.



You dial again.


When he answers the phone you practically start crying. You get choked up and don't even realize that your cheek is still bleeding. He hesitates and calls out another hello. "Marc?" You are finally able to manage his name. He is confused but senses something is wrong. "Y/N?" He asked. You sigh sharply "I need you to come get me..." you say. He sighed "are you hurt?" He asked, you could hear shuffling around from his end of the phone it sounded like he was getting up from something he was sitting on. You curse quietly "it's fine...I don't know why I called I just didn't think anyone else would pick up." You cut your ramble short. He sighed "where are you?" He asked he sounded further away now you assumed he was getting something from a different room. Probably his car keys. You inhaled sharply "uh...I don't know..." you said. He was confused "ok, what don't you know? You don't know the name of the place you're at? The town? Nothing" He asked sounding closer to the phone now. "That's the issue...I'm on the side of the road" He went silent for a moment. "Send me your location." He said quietly. "I'm coming to get you, don't move and if anyone tries to talk to you ignore them. I'll be there in 10 minutes." He said before hanging up. You sent him your location quickly. You were cold hungry tired and because if was raining you were drenched in water using your coat as a shield, it wasn't helping. You were hugging yourself close desperate to feel warm again. Eventually you saw headlights and his car pulled up next to you "Get in. Hurry I don't want you to freeze" He said as you scrambled to get in his car. You got in soaking his seat and hugging your wet jacket close to your body. It was really warm in his car and you shuddered out of breath at how cold you were and how good it felt. You stared at your feet on the floor. "What the hell happened?" He asked concerned. "I was on a date. The guy was a real dick..." that was all you said. He sighed and reached into his backseat and pulled out a towel and put it around your shoulders turning the heat up as high as it can go. "Thank you..." that was all you could say. He sighed quietly by now you knew that he was taking you back to your apartment and you sighed with relief. You stayed quiet and waited until you got there. When you did he got out with you and grabbed a small first aid kit he kept in his car. He walked you upstairs and had you sit at the counter in the kitchen and he cleaned your cut and bandaged it. "Should heal soon." He said. You sighed and hesitated "can you stay with me tonight?" He sighed and nodded. He helped you to bed and sat on the edge of it before you pulled him to hold you. He sighed "please don't do that again..." he mumbled "get yourself into any dangerous situations like that... I mean I'll always help but you worry me sometimes" he explained. You looked up "you worry about me?" He looked away but nodded "yeah I care about you. I don't want you to get hurt like this again" you nod sleepy and wanting to save the rest of this conversation for later. He can tell you are getting tired and just holds you closer "sleep. I'll be here when you wake up" and with that you fall asleep in his arms finally getting some rest.

I hope you guys like this one I really wanted to write one where the reader was stranded and Marc had to pick them up. Please request and let me know what you guys would like to see!

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