Marc/Steven -18

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Heavy angst/ (comfort)
Request! (Anonymous)
Marc and Steven
⚠️Trigger warnings⚠️ (there's really important ones this time):

Mentions of past self harm for reader

Scars/hiding scars with clothing

Crying/being comforted by Marc/Steven

⚠️ please do not read if you feel you cannot handle it for your own health/safety reasons. I understand this is an extremely sensitive topic but it was requested and I feel like this could help people in some kind of way, with that being said, please take care of yourselves and do not read this if you feel you can't for your mental health, and if you are currently struggling and need help, I encourage you to reach out to someone you trust and let them know. With all that being said, please take care of yourselves and read with caution. I love you all, stay strong⚠️

And, as always I hope you are having a good day/night wherever you are

-author (Salem)


I'm here

Steven didn't think much of it, he wasn't quite as observant as Marc. He only started to realize when Marc pointed it out. You never wore clothes that showed off much skin at all. Sometimes you wear shorts but you never ever wear anything less than a heavy or baggy shirt or sweater. Steven hadn't said anything about it, he thought maybe that it was a style choice or that maybe you just always felt cold. But he finally noticed something was wrong on this particular day. You had been dating them for a while now and this was always the case. With you even in warm weather. Steven had invited you to his apartment, you were wearing shorts and a heavy hoodie. It was the hottest day of the whole year and the power in his apartment building had shut off. And so he ran to the freezer to grab all the ice packs he could grab before running downstairs to see if he could fix the issue, when he came back into the room you were on the floor of his bedroom next to the vent that had just turned back on cuddling the ice packs and drinking water quickly. It was clear that you were overheating. Steven wasn't sure what to do so in a moment of panic and instinct Marc took over the body. He rushed to your side and lifted you up gently and put in you in the bed with no blankets and turned the fan on. "Y/N?" He called walking back over to you making sure you were ok. "You have to take that off babe, If you want one of my shirts you can have one, but it needs to come off you're going to get too hot." You quickly scooted towards the head board. You panted because of how hot you were "n-no! I can't take it off, Marc please don't make me"  he sighed and pressed one of the ice packs to your head. " have to take it off. I won't even look at you while you change or anything I promise" he said sincerely. You got really quiet now, you were debating on telling him what you've been dreading for months now. It wasn't obvious you were crying until he saw the tears hit the bottom of your sweatshirt. He was concerned "Y/N....?" He said looking at you. You had debated going home, or leaving and finding somewhere else to go completely but you decided to stay and be honest. You told Marc that you had something serious to say to both him and Steven. Once you had his full attention (and probably Stevens too) you shakily confided in him about your past with self harm. You quickly explained that you had scars you didn't want him to see and that it was painful to look at or think about even if they were healed. Marc sighed and kissed your forehead. "We are here for you" he said quietly. He went silent for a moment before you heard Steven talk. "Love? We need to get you out of this hoodie, alright? I can get you one of my shirts and once it cools down you can have a blanket and sleep, alright?" He asked quietly. You didn't particularly want to but the heat was beginning to get unbearable. You sighed and nodded he grabbed you one of his shirts and handed it to you leaving the room. Eventually he heard your weak voice say that he could re enter the room. He looked at your face avoiding eye contact with the scars, he knew that's what you'd be worried about happening. He looked at you "I've got you some water." He handed it to you. You took it and sniffled hugging him tightly. "Please don't go anywhere....I- I love you" he sighed and held you tightly letting you cry. "I love you too, Darlin' c'mon drink that and we'll get you to bed alright?" He said lifting you into his arms gently and taking you to the bed and sitting with you. You eventually got sleepy and curled up into his arms. "I love you guys so much..." Steven kisses your head gently. "We love you too sweetheart" You eventually fall asleep in his arms.

Hey again guys! It took me a few days to write this I wanted to try and make it accurate but also not too triggering, I'm  taking requests and would really like some more requests I hope you guys liked this one it was really hard to write but I hope I did ok, I'm going to write some less angsty ones but for future ones that do have heavier topics like this I will have more thorough warning like this one, please let me know either here or in the requests chapter what else you would like to see, thank you so much for all the views and as always I hope you're having a good day/night wherever you are

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