Marc - 17

465 12 0

Just Marc this time (mentions of steven and jake)
Mentions of violence
Fixing/cleaning and patching up wounds/injuries
March being hurt (pretty badly)

Getting hurt

2:00 AM





You couldn't stay awake any longer.
You hadn't slept in over 27 hours. It was really starting to hit you now. The tea in your hands that was previously hot was now getting cold and the tv station you were watching had started to play reruns of old tv shows. You felt your eyes start to droop even more if that was possible you decided to put your tea on the bedside table and try to sleep. You were out. You didn't have anything to do the next day so you got to sleep in. When you woke up you checked your phone. You haven't heard from Marc since he told you he'd be back by yesterday. That was a week ago. He's never late and if he is he tells you. You were worried to say the least. All day you couldn't bring yourself to do anything but try to focus on the tv and the book you were reading, you didn't notice the sun go down. And you didn't notice that you eventually fell asleep out of exhaustion. Marc had assumed you'd be in bed so he shut the front door quietly and slowly made his way towards the kitchen and sat noisily in the first chair he could. You shot up from your position on the couch, being a light sleeper you were immediately alarmed. He looked over at you in your panicked state, and that made it worse.

"Marc?" You asked slowly sitting up, but not moving off the couch

No response

"Marc?" You said it louder this time you wanted to know if it was Marc or not.

"Hm?" He finally acknowledged you.

You could only see the side of his face in the dim light of the tv. You stood up slowly walking toward him. "Are you ok?" He turned his face away from you. "Go back to sleep." He said quietly. You sighed "how bad is it?" You asked. You were used to him coming home injured you knew him well enough to know when he was. You turned on the kitchen light and moved around him to see him. You sighed looking at his injuries you started to tear up slightly but you quickly pushed that feeling down. "Stay here I'll be right back" you went to quickly get the first aid kit you held in the house for things like this. All three of the boys refused to go to hospitals so you had to fix then up yourself when they couldn't. You sat in the chair gently cleaning and patching up every single wound he had. You quietly shut the first aid kit and looked at Marc sadly and kissed his forehead. "Let's go to bed...I know your tired" you said helping him out of his chair and helping him to bed. Once you helped him in bed you scooted in next to him. You hold his hand gently until you feel him let go and hold you around your waist. You sigh and turn to face him. "I'm sorry I worried you... thank you for helping me" he said quietly. "It's ok...I'm just glad you're safe" you sighed and looked at him. You start to play with his hair as he rests his head against your chest and you both fall asleep and get some well deserved rest.


Hey guys! I accidentally published this one before it was ready and had to undo that and now publish it again, I hope you like this one hopefully I will update more this weekend.

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