distant (j.o)

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I come back home with my hands full of groceries. Jenna and I had been working on set for the new Scream Movie these past couple days nonstop. We barely made time for each other since our characters have very few scenes interacting with one another. Jenna and I have been dating since the first filming for Scream. I love her dearly, but recently, we've become so distant.

"Baby, I'm home." I yell out throughout the spacious apartment. I wait for a response, in which I don't receive. 

"Angel, you here?" I call out again, hoping for a response this time. I place the groceries on the marble countertops and began to walk over to our bedroom. The door was shut, so I softly put my ear against the white wood.

My ear against the door, I hear muffled cries. I take a step back and knock on the door.

"Baby, it's just me, can I come in?" 

"Shit." I hear shuffling footsteps approach the door. Jenna opens the door to reveal a tear stained face. She quickly wipes her nose.

"Baby..." I pull her into a hug, she let out more sobs into my shoulder. I grab her hand and seat her on the bed.

Patting her back, I asked her, "what's wrong angel?" 

"Don't act like you don't fucking see it." She looked down at her fidgety hands.

"Baby can you please talk to me about it? You know I love you and I never wanna see you hurt like-" she cut me off.

"If you love me so much, why don't you fucking show it, y/n? You've been so goddamn distant with me and I can't-" she sniffled, letting out more sobs.

"I can't take it anymore." She looked up at me, tears filled up her brown eyes. I grabbed her into the tightest and comforting hug any human could give to another. 

"I promise baby, I won't let anything come between us. I promise, I will be here. I promise you, I'll never leave you again.

"I love you so much, y/n." She laid down beside me, being the little spoon.

"I love you even more, Jen." I played with her hair until she fell asleep.

Timeskip! (2-3 days ahead!)

I was sitting with Jenna on our grey couches, she was cuddled up right in front of me as we scrolled through TikToks together, letting out laughs every now and then. After about an hour of that, I got kind of bored.

"Jen you wanna do something?" I asked her with a smile, i pecked her right cheek several times. Making her laugh a bit. Smiles arose on both our faces, she looked directly in my eyes.

"Like what?" She smiled.

"Why don't we go somewhere?" Her mouth went agape.

"Like target? I think they're still open." She smiled.

"Sure, but I was thinking somewhere better." I smirked, she gave the biggest hug to me.

"I don't know where you're thinking to go, but as long as I'm with you, I'll be the happiest girl in the world."

"How about a cruise ship?" I smiled, she looked up at me, with her head in my lap.

"A cruise ship?" She laughed. 

"Why not?!" We giggled.

"Only if I'm with you." I gave her an upside down Spider-Man kiss.

"Only if I'm with you." I repeated what she said. 


I hope you guys enjoyed! This was my first ever imagine/one shot so I hope you guys enjoyed! I will do any more that you guys want! Leave requests on the request page anytime you have an idea!

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Songs to play during this chapter: Text Book - Lana Del Rey | Did you know that there's a tunnel under ocean Blvd - Lana del Rey 

Paradise - Jenna Ortega ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now