Ch 3: Finding The Ways

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'First bride?' she said, stunned, 'as Verona had been?'


'This cannot... It's not possible.' Anna was obviously in denial. She lowered her head.

'It's true, Anna,' he said, 'have I ever lied to you?'

She had to think about that for a moment. Looking at him, she said, 'no.'

They stared at each other for several minutes. After a while a voice was heard, 'all right, that's enough, I've got orders to carry out.' Igor had returned and he was holding his prodder, at the ready.

'I'll talk to you again, sometime, then?' she would have to ask more later, when more questions arose, and when they were alone to discuss them.

'Bye Anna,' was his simple reply, which caused him pain as Igor punished him, ('show some respect! ...sorry mistress, for my rudeness').

Anna left the room, heading for the walkway that led to the tower that had concealed the cure. She stood near the entrance she had left, looking across the bridge, she saw the tower, and she also saw that Dracula had done some repairs - the Dwergi did all the work – for the bridge was fixed.

Looking out the window, some distance above Anna, stood a dark figure, watching her.

'Master,' asked a redheaded woman, standing some distance behind him. He didn't turn to look at her.

'Keep an eye on Anna,' he commanded softly, 'I am worried.'

'Yes, my lord,' she said, then turned and left.

'Gabriel.' He called. It didn't take long for Van Helsing to land a well-aimed leap, behind him, some distance to his left.

'What do you want, Count?' he answered, aggressively.

Dracula turned to look at Van Helsing, 'show some respect, Gabriel.'


'Just for that,' he said softly. He could see that Van Helsing was half expecting him to say something more, but then he called, 'Igor.'

He heard a familiar voice, say, 'yes, Master.'

'I think Van Helsing needs a little more discipline.' Dracula's words caused Van Helsing to flinch, obviously thinking of the pain that was to be inflicted. Igor had now come to stand some distance to Dracula's left.

'Yes, Master.' He said bowing slightly, and then to Van Helsing, he said, 'this way.' Igor headed back to where Anna had discovered them earlier.

Dracula was watching his old friend carefully; Van Helsing seemed to be hesitating.

'Why did you call me?' he asked Dracula, to his surprise, but never the less, what he'd been hoping for.

'How can I figure out the truth? What would be the first step?

A mirror? But no, Dracula wouldn't have a mirror in his castle, surely?'

Looking around, Anna noticed that it had rained recently, for why else would there be puddles of water on the bridge?

'No, a reflection!'

Summoning all her courage, she approached the nearest one. She was terrified to know the answer, her heart should have been racing, but it wasn't, at least from what she could hear, in fact she couldn't hear it at all. Maybe she was that scared she couldn't hear it, yes that had to be it. She wasn't a vampire; she couldn't be... could she?

She was now almost at the puddle, her reflection would be visible; soon, very soon she would know the answer. She took the last step to the puddle, her eyes shut tight, in fear.

Slowly, she opened them...

Dracula And Anna: Finding The truthWhere stories live. Discover now