Ch 20: Never Gatecrash On A Dracula Festivity

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After much dancing, and conversation, it was nearing dawn, but that was when it spiralled downhill...

Sitting, Anna was once again close to the Count – having just finished another dance with him - her head turned towards him, resting against him. Dracula's head was resting gently behind hers, his face out of sight, buried somewhere near her neck and shoulder.

'Good evening, Count, or should I say good morning,' the Count moved his head from behind Anna's – somewhat irritable - so that the person who had spoken, was now in his line of sight. The Count recognised him immediately as Corey Neumic (which only increased his irritation).

'Sometimes being infamous is a bad thing,' Dracula muttered so softly that Anna was pretty certain that she was the only one who heard, 'it draws in the pesky curious types.'

'I do believe you have yourself a problem on your hands. Considering what I found out tonight.'

'And what, Corey Neumic, might that be?' The Count didn't seem very bothered by what Neumic was saying – more than Neumic was merely in his presence. By this time, everyone in the room, had their attention on the scene before them, all of them remembering the last time Corey had been so stupid. Everyone that is, except Anna.

'That, Lady Anna,' he indicated to her without pointing, 'has amnesia.' The Count raised an eyebrow.

'Does she now?' he said, not the least bit worried, 'and what makes you say that?'

'She has no recollection of me whatsoever, and if you asked for Lady Anna's friends to step forward, you would find that she would recognise none of them,' his voice taking on some sort of fiery passion. The Count gave a sigh, Anna must have said something when she'd run into Neumic earlier, and hadn't told him. However, something occurred to him at that moment...

'Why should it bother you?' asked the Count, a flicker of knowing in his eyes, 'You shouldn't even be here.' Dracula rose - Anna's hand gently sliding down off his chest - to stand before Neumic. At this point Neumic's appearance looked as if he was a man who was face-to-face with death; however, it was worse than that, considering it was the son of the Devil, not death that he was face-to-face with.

'Considering that you weren't even invited!' the look on Neumic's face caused the Count's next words, 'what? You didn't think I'd know?'Dracula moved closer, and when he spoke again, there was an edge of anger in his voice, 'Oh, I know. I know because I sit and write each one. I do it for several reasons, besides the fact that I enjoy it. One, for authenticity, Two, to prevent forgery, and three, to desist people like you, from gatecrashing!' Neumic gulped, as the Count drew close enough so that only Neumic could hear him.

'And if I ever see your face around here again, don't expect a warning, because there won't be one!' Dracula moved back, away from him, so everyone could hear, 'now get out!' Neumic was in such a state that he didn't know what to do, and even if he had tried to move, his feet would have failed him.

Throughout this entire conversation, the Count did not shout once, nor raise his voice above a normal speaking level, however being Count Dracula, he hadn't needed to, just his mere presence (especially in a bad mood) coupled with razor-sharp edges to his tone could scare almost anyone.

Since everyone's attention was on Neumic and Dracula, no one had noticed a giant black hairy beast making its way high up across the wall, where no one could see it unless they looked for it.

Since Neumic hadn't moved, and Dracula was getting more irritated, the great black beast took a flying leap, and with a raging roar smashed right into Neumic, slamming him to the ground onto his back, the beast atop him. The beast gave an angry snarl right in his face, and if Neumic hadn't been a vampire, he probably would've wet his pants right then.

'Neumic, I'm sure you've met Gabriel?' the Count said, with a smirk, indicating the wolfish creature on top of Neumic. Gabriel snarled again in Neumic's face, causing him to flinch.

'Oh, and Neumic?' said Dracula calmly - Neumic too scared to turn away from the werewolf to look at Dracula – smiling, he moved to whisper in his ear, 'you were right about Anna, she does have amnesia, but only back to a certain point, however, her memories are returning.'

'So I was right,' came Neumic's voice, only to be silenced by another snarl from Gabriel, however this time it was much more violent, and he showed almost all of his teeth.

'Yes... and if you know what's good for you, you'll keep your mouth shut.'

-Time Skip-

'That went well,' said Gabriel, causing a smile out of the Count.

'Yes, but the most important question remains. Will he be foolish enough to go against me?' Dracula was leaning against his chamber door, talking to Van Helsing, his brides in his chambers, his guests having been led to their guest rooms, by his servants, while Corey Neumic was sitting in a dank dark cell of the dungeons, and had it not been because of the sun, Dracula would've had him thrown out the door – which was what he was planning to do tomorrow after the sun had set.

'He'd really be a fool if he did,' said Van Helsing, 'As a wise one once said, it is better that people think you are a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it.'

Dracula gave a chuckle, 'Yes, well, if you'll excuse me now Gabriel, it's time I went to bed.' Van Helsing left to go back on guard duty, while Dracula stood there for a few moments, before turning to open the door.

Closing the door behind him, he found the main room to be empty. He headed through for the other room, and once inside he lay down on the bed. Anna was sound asleep beside him; Dracula watched her sleep for a little while, before settling himself down to sleep.

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