Ch 11: To The Hunt

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Anna didn't want to think about what had almost happened, what she'd almost done. Lily and Rose had come back from their hunt; it was time she hunted...

'Do we usually hunt separately like this?' Anna asked, sure that the brides hunted together, and that the Count usually hunted alone.

'No, my dear Anna, we usually hunt together, for safety, but I figured it would be better for you if I hunted with you alone,' he paused, and looked at her, 'so that you could learn.'

Learning how to hunt her own people – for she still, somewhere in the back of her mind, thought she was human – she found it hard to concentrate on hunting them, which only annoyed Dracula, although he kept his cool.

Since it would take too long to learn to fly, much to Anna's silent protests, Dracula carried her to a place not far from the village.

'It's not far now, we can walk the rest of the way, should only take a few minutes.' And they set off for the village, which could be seen through the trees some distance in front of them, halfway to the right.

Several minutes passed in silence, as they walked. It seemed neither was up for conversation, especially after what had happened only minutes ago.

Anna dared to speak.

'About earlier...' he immediately interrupted, 'forget about it, I shouldn't have done that.' Surely that wasn't how he felt about it. She stared at him in disbelief while they walked which was when she didn't see the stone sticking up out of the ground...

It happened so fast, Anna didn't realise what had happened until she found herself in the Count's arms once again, staring into his eyes. Before anything else might happen, he stood her upright – in a gentleman's manner of course – and proceeded towards the village.

Anna, feeling disconcerted, followed.

'Igor, do this, Igor do that!' complained Igor, as he took a short break while his Master was away, since if he was around when he did it, he'd be in big trouble. Lily and Rose hadn't even talked to him when they'd got back, though it's not like they ever did...

Kicking a Dwergi, he got stuck back into his work.

'Rose, do you think Anna will ever remember?' asked Lily from above - watching Igor muttering to himself as he worked – Rose was in the small room off to her right, lying on the Count's very comfortable couch, obviously waiting for Anna and Dracula to return.

'I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see.' Rose was wondering whether Lily really was sorry for the things she'd done to Anna, but Lily knew the consequences if she so much as the thought of doing it again. She'd meant what she'd said, but Rose knew Anna quite well.

It would be some time, she knew, before Anna would come to trust Lily.

Rose didn't really think about the consequences if the Count should catch her there, but she didn't care. She made herself comfortable, as Lily came to sit in the Count's chair instead (since Rose had the whole couch to herself) which would put her in a worse position than Rose.

Although the night air was cold, vampires didn't really feel it, though it tended to give some a calming effect...

Anna, strangely felt calmer than she had been mere minutes ago. They were now standing outside an old house on the outskirts of the village, where it was said a man lived. Ever since he had made Anna his bride, something about her had changed his old ways...

'So,' whispered Anna, hesitantly, 'what poor soul are we going to kill here in this old, seemingly abandoned, house?' She didn't have the courage to look him in the eyes, besides she was too worried about the fact that she had to kill someone.

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