Ch 7: Conversation

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'Sunrise is soon, you'd best go to bed.' Dracula told them, as they entered his bedroom.

'Good day, my lord.'

'Good day, Master.'

'Sleep well,' he said softly.

He closed the door, as they set themselves down on his bed. The head of the bed was against the right wall. The covers were folded back at the bottom, lest he wanted their company during sleep, - which was more often, than not - but he had something else to do at that moment, before joining them.

Dracula strode over to his seat by the fire, – which had run down to nothing – he laid his left hand on the top right of the sofa, (since he was standing to the right of the sofa). Suddenly he stopped beside the sofa, as he noticed something that surprised him.

There, on the sofa, her head on its right side, lying upon her loosely folded arms on the right armchair, sound asleep, was Anna.

Smiling, Dracula crouched down to her level, although he'd rather not wake her; he had told her that he'd wanted a word with her when he'd got back.

'Anna,' he whispered, gently pushing her hair out of her face.

'Yes,' she whispered, sleepily.

He lovingly touched her cheek, 'Anna, wake up.'

She tiredly opened her eyes. The Count couldn't help but notice that she wasn't objecting to his touch.


Although he suspected this was because she was tired.

'You look tired,' Anna said, suppressing a yawn.

'So do you.' He gave her a small smile.

'When was the last time you slept?'

'I haven't had good sleep, since the day before the night; you had your loss of consciousness.'

'How long ago was that?'

'About a month,' he paused, 'you'll need to feed soon.'

'Too bad I don't remember how to.' He couldn't place her tone.

'I'll teach you,' he said, reassuring her, as he gave her a warm smile.

'So how's Lily?'

'You can go and see her if you like. She's in my bedroom, probably asleep by now.'

Anna managed to get herself up, and with the Count following behind her; she went to his bedroom door. After she had opened the door, she saw Lily and Rose asleep on his bed, the covers folded neatly at the bottom. Anna turned to Dracula, but what she did next, surprised him beyond everything she had done since she had awoken with amnesia.

She kissed him on the cheek and whispered bashfully, 'thank you.'

The Count didn't know what to say, but he managed a, 'you're welcome.'

'Have a good sleep,' she whispered.

'Anna, where are you going to sleep?' he asked worriedly. He didn't want a similar incident as before. She went to say something but stopped. For a few moments, she stood there bitting her bottom lip.

'I don't know,' came her soft voice as she lowered her head.

'I would rather you came in here, with me,' – indicating his bedroom, where Lily and Rose were sleeping – at least that way, I know you're safe.'

She thought about it for several minutes.

'I'd rather sleep by myself,' - she gave him a look - 'if that's alright with you?' He knew she wasn't really asking for his opinion, she had done this before, but of course, she didn't know.

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