Ch 16: The Trip To Budapest

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Anna knew of whom Van Helsing meant, but that didn't mean that she was going to go and see him, in fact, she had been avoiding him; that was until, several short weeks later, she came out of her room one night, and found him waiting.

'Are you ready, Anna?'

'Ready for what, Count?' Dracula grimaced at his old title, especially when it came from his Anna. He wasn't used to her calling him that anymore, so when she did, he found he disliked it immensely.

'Please, don't call me that,' Anna went to say something, but Dracula cut in before she could, 'and that also.' Obviously calling him "Count", or "Dracula" was out of the question. What was she supposed to call him?

Dracula didn't elaborate.

'The Annual "All Hallows Eve" ball is coming, and since you can't fly, and we're in no rush, we are leaving tonight, by my coach, to Budapest. We shall arrive in one week.' Dracula turned to leave, but Anna stopped him, by speaking.

'And when will you teach me how to fly?'

'Soon enough, my darling, soon enough,' and with that he left the living room, leaving a confused Anna to get ready for the trip.

Before Anna had boarded the coach, which Lily and Rose already occupied, Dracula had explained that after the ball, they would return in the same coach, which would bring them back the same distance at the same time. One week.

Just before Anna got into the coach, however, she noticed who was sitting in the driver's seat.

'What are you doing here?' she asked before she could catch herself. He almost appeared as if he was blushing.

'I kind of killed the last coachman,' Van Helsing looked away, 'It's kind of like my punishment.' He fell silent. The coach rode the entire night, and every now and then, they weren't able to see the sky, due to the mountain's tunnels.

Lily and Rose were gossiping beside her, and Anna was stuck beside Dracula, his left arm across the top of the seat, his hand gently resting on her shoulder. He had one leg crossed over the other, and was looking out the window. Anna sat as far away from him as she could, she needed to think, which was hard, since there was no time.

'It's time to sleep, my dears.' said Dracula as the coach came to a gentle halt. What Anna thought was another seat, (across from where she was sitting) was actually a large black coffin, which was mounted to the floor so that it didn't slip and slide. Although it was big enough to accommodate all of them, Anna would've rather slept alone, like she had been doing.

Anna had not realised how long they had travelled until she saw how light the sky was. The sun was soon to rise.

Like the gentleman that he was, Dracula helped each of his brides get in, starting with Lily. As Dracula helped Rose get in, Anna wondered if he would be getting in last, or if he was getting in, then helping her in. It was the latter.

As soon as Anna was fully in, and comfortable, Dracula reached up and pulled down the lid. A moment later, they heard a whip crack, and the coach gently jerked forwards. Anna found she couldn't sleep; Dracula however was a different story. From what she could tell he fell asleep instantly, but something about the way he slept told her that he was alert.

Eventually, Anna drifted off, but to her horror, she dreamt the dreams again...

Trying to escape with the Frankenstein monster...

Van Helsing shooting Velkin...

Velkin dying in her arms...

Anna's promise to destroy Dracula...

Anna had suddenly knocked abruptly from her dreams, everything that happened next happened so fast that she almost thought it didn't happen.

With a bang, Dracula's hand hit somewhere behind her, to stabilise himself, and so that Anna wouldn't get crushed; Rose slammed into his back, Anna heard her gasp in shock, just before Lily came to slam into her. Dracula grimaced both times, his eyes not leaving hers since she'd woken up.

Anna heard Van Helsing's voice, shout somewhere outside, 'sorry, loose rocks on the road.' Anna realised what must have happened, the wheels must have run over the rocks, causing the coach to jump.

'Are you alright, Anna?' She nodded, fidgeting under such an intense gaze.

'Lily? Rose?' Anna heard their soft replies, Dracula waited until they were off his back so that he could move.

'Now I know why you looked so alert in your sleep.' Dracula turned to face her.

'I'm always alert, awake or not.' He gave her a small smile before closing his eyes. From what she could tell, he was right. Closing her eyes, Anna managed to fall asleep without any problems; however, her sleep was worse than last time.

Her escalating nightmare had come back to haunt her...

The sky was dark with the night; the only light was from the moon. She appeared to be running through a forest. Her breath was becoming laboured, she couldn't run forever...

She heard it howl, she heard it growl, she heard it roar...

She skidded to a stop as the beast leapt out of seemingly nowhere, coming for her...


In her shocked realisation, she woke up, sitting bolt upright, only to hit her head.

'Ouch!' She felt two strong arms snake their way around her, and hold her close.

'Are you alright?' came Dracula's voice, soft and gentle, beside her ear.

'I-I t-think so.' She managed to say, still in shock that the beast, the werewolf, in her nightmares was her only brother, her own dear brother...

'Go back to sleep Anna, I'll make sure nothing more happens to you,' Anna, thinking that he might be able to keep her nightmares away, like last time, cuddles up to him, her face buried into his chest.

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